Archive for the ‘family’ Category


Saturday, October 31st, 2009

Our dear Mr Calvin turned 5 yesterday! He is now a *big* kindy boy going onto pre-primary next year. Sometimes I just can’t believe (or maybe don’t want to :)) my little boy is already in school and he is 5 years old now.

He is definitely a lot more chatty these days and even at school, I have been told that he has come out of his shell — which means he is very comfortable with his teachers and classmates AND he is very chatty. The one thing I have found is that Calvin is now conversing a lot more confidently in English. He is also speaking a lot more in English whether at home or out.  This can be a good thing, but the speaking Mandarin rule at our home seems to be out of the window at the moment for him.  I find it hard sometimes to get him to speak Mandarin –perhaps attending a Chinese school (once a week) might help? Well, the plan is to still keep speaking Mandarin to him.

Celebrations this year has been really really low key as compared to last year.  It is more of a family affair this year. Yup, I am slack! Anyhow, the boy was happy enough to have our company.  I gave him a choice of going to the zoo or watching a movie.  He chose the latter.  And guess what?  The husband announced early in the morning that we were going to the beach! This, of course was a surprise which has created a lot of excitement for the boys.

It was a windy and sunny day at the beach. Several families were there when we arrived.  As it was still too cold to go down to the water for a dip, we restricted the boys to playing with sand and only dipping feet in the water. Guess who did not listen to instructions?  Who else but our Mr A!


Here’s the very happy birthday boy.

The boys ran towards the water and when the waves rolled in, they ran back ….. they just ran back and forth and back and forth ….. I just sat there and watched them and took pictures. 🙂 The husband was with them  the whole time, supervising them. At one stage, they wanted to build a sand castle, but it proved too difficult when we did not bring any *tools* with us.  And so, the *genius* father suggested they dig a hole and made a tunnel for the water to flow in.  That sounded interesting enough for the boys and they began to dig.

 The boys and Robin digging hole in the sand.

 We left the beach after about an hour of play.  The boys had a such a fantastic time building the tunnel with their dad and watching the water flow in.  Athan was, as usual, reluctant to leave.  He simply loved the beach. He was soaking wet with water and sand from head to toe at the end of it.  He did not mind a least bit while I was concerned with the cleaning up afterward. *sigh*

After a quick clean up, it was lunch time. We proceeded to a nearby restaurant for our meal.  We had the most scrumptious (and expensive) lunch of fettuccine with meatballs and grilled flatbread.  Calvin wiped out his big share of lunch in no time. He was looking around for more food!

Even Mr Athan, who is not a big fan of pasta, cleaned his plate without much fuss. He must be very  hungry after all that running around on the beach earlier.

I just loved how the boys ate today — sat nicely on their chair and finished their food without a fuss. 🙂 We hardly eat out during lunch time, let alone at the beach. And so, this experience has been such a rare and pleasant for all of us.

What’s next? Ice cream of course!


The boys enjoying ice-cream after lunch.

On our way home from the beach, Calvin did not forget to remind about the movie!!! Gosh, this boy really does have a superb memory for things that he matters to him. He wanted to watch “Astro Boy”. Athan echoed Calvin’s reminder to which I replied “we will go only after your nap!”. Promise is a promise. I have to keep to my word to set a good example.

Yup, we made it to “Astro Boy”, the movie. Calvin was so engrossed throughout the whole movie.  He hardly moved in his seat apart from the occasional chuckle from some jokes in the movie.  He was really enjoying the movie. Athan, on the other hand lose interest half-way through the movie.  I had to bribed him with biscuits to keep him in his seat.  *sigh*. After the movie, Calvin asked me tons of questions about Astro Boy and when he was satisfied with my answers, he said to me “mum, it was a good promise”. He meant to say, it was good that I kept my promise. He really appreciated it.

What a good day we had spending together as a family, celebrating Calvin’s birthday. The boy was very happy and thankful and that’s all that mattered. Thank God for blessing us with Calvin.

Oh, I forgot to add that we also received a huge parcel from my family in Singapore! They have sent many gifts for Calvin as well as Athan.  They are so blessed.  Thank you everyone!

Little Helpers.

Saturday, September 19th, 2009

The other day,  the husband bought some new plants at a local nursery to replace a couple of the old ones at our front garden bed.  I have not done gardening for ages and so I welcome the idea when Robin asked me to help him out while the boys were still in bed having their nap.

There was so much weeds!!! I spent the bulk of my time pulling out weeds and clearing the space to put in the new plants.  Before long, the boys woke up and were excited to know their father was outside putting the new plants in.  They asked to go out and I obliged.

They were so eager to help.  What great little helpers we had.  They, in particular Calvin, helped to pull out the weeds and throw the rubbish into the bin.  Athan …. well, he was a little too small to do the job, but he tried.

At one stage, I found them digging the soil looking for worms, ants etc. They were not a least bit worried if they found a (big) one — unlike me who was “shocked” when the husband put a long worm before my eyes! It was good to see the boys enjoy *gardening* and spending time with us.

When it was time for me to get into the house to prepare dinner, I asked if the boys wanted to go in with me.  The reply I got was “mum, you go in, we stay with papa.” Oh well, even better! I was told later that the boys behaved well and they helped put the finishing touches to the new plants.

They probably deserved ice-cream after dinner — they did. 🙂

Sunshine In The Middle Of Winter.

Saturday, July 18th, 2009

We had heavy rain for a straight few days and then came a few days of wonderful sunny days. The best place to be was of course outdoors.

We brought the boys to a nearby park.  Calvin was exceptionally happy because he’s on school holidays at the moment and has been dying to go out. He seemed to miss his kindy class and playing with his friends. Athan was very happy too.

We had lunch ….

and then Calvin said he wanted to run on the grass. Athan joined him.

They ended up picking up sticks/dried branches on the lawn and then ….

they had a “duel”. How fun. They sure know how to entertain themselves. Robin and I just sat on our picnic rug and watched them while enjoying our cup of tea.

Here are my boys.  Cool eh?

Table Manners.

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

The two boys ate really well at dinner today. Mr A has outgrown his highchair and is now sitting at the table with us.:) When he has nearly finished his food, he gave out a loud burp for which it surprised himself too! The three of us looked at him and he just smiled at us and said ” e-cue me!” and he continued to eat.  He meant to say “excuse me”. What lovely manners he has. Robin and I could not stop laughing and we knew he has learnt that from his day care. This is what he looks at at the end of the meal:

Here’s the other monkey:

Photo Of The Week.

Sunday, May 24th, 2009

This Is My Family.

Saturday, March 21st, 2009

Photo Of The Week.

Sunday, March 15th, 2009

Robin’s arms almost broke holding on to the boys in this position for about 5 minutes — just so that I could take pictures of them! It’s worth it, right? 🙂

Bedtime Stories.

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

The boys’ bedtime routine includes a bedtime story. I am usually the one who reads to them while they are the ones who get to choose their favourite book.  Problem is, the 2 boys do not agree on the same book most of the time and I end up having to read 2 books at a time to each of them! That is hard work.


Things are  different when the father reads to them.  Athan loves it. He wants to make it an exclusive time for him and his dad — just the 2 of them. They will lie down on Calvin’s mattress and read the book together.  Calvin loves such time with his dad too, and of course he wants to join in.  However, Mr Athan will always try to push Calvin away while his brother will try his best to force his way through. *sigh* I just let the father deal with the situation and I know Robin will always include Calvin.

I like it when Robin does the reading as it gives me a break and I think it is a good bonding time for the boys. I just sit there and watch them. After the reading, we say a little prayer with the boys and then it is bedtime for them. Nice.

Dinner By The Foreshore.

Saturday, February 7th, 2009

One of the things that we enjoy doing during summer is to have our dinner by our favourite foreshore. Summer is a good time for such outing as the day is longer and  the weather permits it. The boys love it because they love to be outdoors.

So. I prepared and packed our dinner — everybody’s favourite — roast chicken, roast potato wedges, hummus dip and fruits, and off we go.

The boys could not resist running towards the water when we arrived.  They wanted to get into the water and were very disappointed when we told them we did not bring towels and their change of clothes.  Anyway. They were happy to stand by the foreshore with their father and watch the sail boats from a distance.

After dinner, we took a walk along the foreshore.  The boys did not walk, they ran.  They ran after the sea gulls, ran after one another, ran in circles and ran themselves silly.  Robin and I just walked behind them and watched them.  It was a happy sight.

Athan followed his big brother everywhere, copying all the actions as well.  He did not want me to hold his hand or help him to get up and down the steps even when he was hesitant. This boy really has a mind of his own and is getting to be very independent.  It is good, but the thing is sometimes he is over-confident and cause hurt to himself.  We still have to watch him very closely. Calvin, on the other hand is very confident with his big motor skills, always asking me to watch what he could do e.g  jumping off a step.  He is so full of energy and hard to catch up with.  These days,  I just let him roam free range and watch him from a distance.  He does call out for help when he is unsure which is a good thing, I think.

Going home was difficult.  Athan is going through this phase where he has difficulty saying goodbye.  He refused to leave!  Robin and Calvin had to play catching with him to make him *run* towards the car. 🙂 As for me, I was behind the boy all the time, encouraging him to catch up with the rest of the gang. *sigh*

It has been a very pleasant evening for all of us.  I am sure we will have another dinner by the foreshore in the very near future.

Singapore Trip (Part II).

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

We managed to bring the boys to several places of interest while we were in Singapore. My sisters and their children came along too, and that had definitely made the whole trip more interesting.

Sentosa Island was one of the places that we went to visit.  I have not been there for ages.  The whole place has changed and improved so much.  I was really impressed. My sister and her family booked a room at one of the resorts on the island and invited us along to enjoy the many facilites the resort offered.  There was a wonderful play area for the kids with water slide and shallow pool — perfect for our children!  They had an absolute blast playing at the pool area.

They never once complained they were tired or hungry even when nap time was over due and meal time was long over due.  They just played and played …. It was fun to watch them, I have to say.  Calvin played really well with his cousins and so did Athan — although this little fellow was with his dad most of the time.  He did not want to be held — he wanted to walk around the pool all by himself.  When he fell, he picked himself up again — he was not bothered by the water getting into his face at all.

We visited the underwater world while we were at Sentosa.  The kids get to touch some fishes and we saw some amazing collection of underwater creatures.  Guess what?  It was back to the pool after seeing the fishes! 🙂

The Singapore zoo was another very enjoyable place that we went to.  They now have a children’s play area where there’s water play, baby animals and pony ride!

It was difficult to see ALL the animals because of the children (and the heat).  However, we managed to squeeze into a couple of animal shows that were very entertaining.  We even took the mono-rail to get a little tour around the zoo.  The surroundings of zoo was very well maintained and inviting.  It was very well designed, I would say.  They let the orang utans loose in that these animals were not enclosed in cages, rather they were free to swing from tree to tree and walk on ropes over our heads! One could even take pictures with these creatures for a small fee. In fact, a number of animals were not enclosed in cages.  Visitors could actually go up close and personal with them — with the zoo keeper around, of course. I think visitors to Singapore, especially those with young children should visit the zoo.  I am sure they will enjoy it.  We certainly did.

We went to the Jurong Bird Park too.  I remembered my dad used to bring us to the bird park and zoo quite often when we were very young.  The bird park was my favourite.  I have to confess that I did not like the zoo when I was young.  I remembered the zoo to be *smelly* and we had to walk for long distances to see the animals!  Everything has changed now  — the zoo has many shelters and nice walking paths and *ahem* it doesn’t smell! 🙂


The bird park was a nice place to visit.  I still enjoyed it when we visited this time round.  The open aviary was so much more attractive now.  The landscape was beautifully maintained, the species of birds were amazing and, yes, the waterfall was still there!  I remembered I loved the waterfall the best as a kid.

We did not manage to see many species of birds as we hoped to mainly because of the children.  They were tired and sweaty and … well, this is life with young children.  The kids love the penguins.  Not only was the penguin area cool, but the whole penguin community congregating together was very amusing to them! We also went into the dark room where we saw giant owls and many other night species.  Calvin as a little afraid of the sight of the birds as some of them were really fierce looking.  But he acted brave because his cousins were not scared! :)  As for Mr Athan, he was enjoying a snooze in the stroller the whole time.

Robin and I took turns to carry Athan when he refused to sit nicely in his stroller.  Calvin would take the chance to be pushed around whenever he saw the empty stroller!

Athan was quite well behaved during our outings, I would say.  We wished he could sit nicely in his stroller all the time, but he has his own mind.  He is older now and he wanted to join his brother and cousins walking around the park and having fun. I don’t blame him.

Calvin had a good time with his cousins.  It made all the walking around so much more fun for him.  I really believe that if his cousins were not with us, he would have given up on walking long ago!  He would surely want one of us to carry him around.  Here’s Calvin with his cousins:

It is a very different experience when going on such long outings with young children.  We can’t expect them to be angels all the time.  It is when we do not expect too much out of them that we get to enjoy the outing too. In fact, I would say that the presence of the children has made our outings much more enjoyable and fun.