Bedtime Stories.

The boys’ bedtime routine includes a bedtime story. I am usually the one who reads to them while they are the ones who get to choose their favourite book.  Problem is, the 2 boys do not agree on the same book most of the time and I end up having to read 2 books at a time to each of them! That is hard work.


Things are  different when the father reads to them.  Athan loves it. He wants to make it an exclusive time for him and his dad — just the 2 of them. They will lie down on Calvin’s mattress and read the book together.  Calvin loves such time with his dad too, and of course he wants to join in.  However, Mr Athan will always try to push Calvin away while his brother will try his best to force his way through. *sigh* I just let the father deal with the situation and I know Robin will always include Calvin.

I like it when Robin does the reading as it gives me a break and I think it is a good bonding time for the boys. I just sit there and watch them. After the reading, we say a little prayer with the boys and then it is bedtime for them. Nice.

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