Archive for January, 2010

Someone Asked.

Saturday, January 30th, 2010

With the frequency of the boys falling sick (as they attend day care) some friends are curious as to whether R and I fall sick every time when the boys are sick. The answer to that is no. We are blessed in that way, in that we only very occasionally catch the virus from the boys (often in winter). Thank God for that.  I have to admit though, it is very hard to protect ourselves from falling sick especially when we have been coughed on, sneezed on, puked on and even soiled on.  We try our best to *disinfect* ourselves by washing hands frequently. I believe God knows we cannot afford to be sick!

If you are reading this and are thinking of having a child of your own one day, please do not be scared by what I have just said.  Taking care of sick kids is never easy, but the sickness is only temporary.  The long term happiness and joy that they bring make it all worth it. It is all part of the fun of being a parent! Well, do I sound like I am a mother of 10 children? :)  Well, no, I am not. Fact is, I am still on a very steep learning curve when it comes to parenting.  I am merely repeating what a wise Christian lady from church shared with me when I told her how hard things can get when the boys are sick. Her words are really encouraging. They have picked me up.

Just this morning, when I was busy changing sheets for the boys and busy dusting their room, Mr A came to me pushing his toy truck and said”mum, I am going to work, bye!”. I turned around, looked at him and said “OK, bye!”. Before running off, he said “I earn money for papa, mama and gor gor (big brother)”. To which I replied “OK, make sure you have some money for yourself too!”. With that the happy boy ran off.  How cute is that? Got to love what comes out of that little boy’s mouth. 🙂 He is feeling a lot better this morning as the fever has gone.  He is back to his usual self again.  I’m glad.

Still talking about Mr A, the husband thought I should share about the experience I had at the clinic yesterday. Well,  I made an appointment for Athan to see a GP to check his lungs etc yesterday morning. The father and Calvin decided to tag along too. After a long wait, the doctor came and called Athan’s name.  Only the boy and me went in. What a mistake. Once inside the doctor’s room, Athan became very very serious and quiet.  When the doctor took out his stethoscope wanting to listen to his lungs, the boy began to scream at the top of his lungs no! no! no! no! no! ….. non stop. For no apparent reason! He was struggling violently on my lap trying to escape. Perhaps he thought the doctor was going to hurt him? The kind doctor then gave him a lollipop which immediately stopped the screaming for a moment, and when the stethoscope re-appeared, the no! no! no! screaming started again. This time, he even threw the lollipop away! What fear did he have? The doctor?  Or the stethoscope? I really wondered.  We tried to reassure him there won’t be any pain, but only in vain. At that moment, I wished R would suddenly appear in the room and help me restrain the boy. But he did not. And so, I decided that I have to pin the boy down on my lap and let the GP do his job.  With patience and great skills, the doctor managed to check his throat, listen to his lungs, both front and back as well as check his ear, both left and right. It was hard work. I was sure everyone outside the room could hear the screaming. 🙂 When the check ended, the boy stopped screaming, instantly. And, he even picked up the lollipop and asked me to unwrap it. *sigh* By the way, the check showed no sign of infection. Thank God.

When we came out of the doctor’s room, R asked if the screaming was from Athan.  I related the whole deafening experience to him and he just laughed!  He just could not get over Athan screaming “no!” to the stethoscope.  He found Athan’s reaction funny! I told him as well that I wished he was there to help restrain Athan, to which he replied that he knew I could handle the boy. Oh, what confidence he had in me! Well, fact is the husband has always have confidence in me. 🙂

Both Sick.

Friday, January 29th, 2010

Both boys are down with fever, cough and block nose. Not very good combination!

Calvin suffered the symptoms first, since last Sunday.  He had fever that shot up to almost 40 deg C the next day. Then the chesty cough came followed by the block nose.  A check with the GP confirmed that it was a virus case, hence no need for any anti-biotic. This virus has been a nasty and stubborn one, in that it has taken more than 5 days for the fever to break, although I have to add that his temperature did gradually go down over the last few days which was such a welcome sign.

Yesterday at around 3am, Mr A woke us up with a very loud cry. The husband went to him and found him hot in his forehead. He has caught the virus.

And so, we have 2 sick boys at home.  For the last few days, it has been challenging in some ways, especially when both boys wanted only their mummy! 🙁 Well, mummy is *only* good for when they are ill you see ….. 🙂 I was also very worried about their fever, in particular for Athan, as his body temperature also shot up to nearly 40 deg C.  I was so worried that his little brain could not take the high temperature and was ever ready to do the hospital run. Thank God that the father remained calm and tried all ways to cool the boy down. We sponged him and gave medication to help keep the fever down. It worked. Thank God.  I was up most of the night, trying to calm the screaming Mr A who woke up several times.  I was also armed with my ear scanner, taking temperature of the boys throughout the night — well, as much as I could stay awake.

The boys seemed better this morning. I continued to take their temperature, just in case. The fever has settled although they are still coughing and sniffling away.  I hope they are well and truly on their way to recovery. Do please pray for the boys if you can.

Here’s a picture of them playing this afternoon.  Finally.

Boys playing a farm set that I bought some time ago.

They were playing quite well and at times, I could hear arguing and fighting! A good sign that they were feeling well. 🙂


Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

The other evening, we brought the boys to a nearby football field for some exercise.  Before we unbuckled him from his car seat, we reminded (more like warned) Mr A about the “no carry” policy when at the field — for some reason, this boy has a tendency of wanting to be carried. He gave us a big nod.It was all good.

We stood in a circle in the middle of the field, the four of us, with the intention of kicking the ball to each other.  Athan, being the Mr A that he is, defied all the rules, running after the ball every time it was being kicked to someone and hand-passing it to each one of us in turn.  I felt tired for him, but he was happy to be running. No kidding. Calvin and the father ended up playing a game whereby they had to run and kick the ball from goal post to goal post.  That was exhausting, well, at least to me. But the boy wanted more! I stopped. And when they got tired of kicking ball, the father wanted to get on with his kicking and punching (part of his martial arts training) exercises. I took over the boys.

All they wanted to do was to run — again! One of them wanted to be “Astro Boy” while  the other wanted to be “Iron Man” that could fly like an aeroplane — guess who wanted to be what?

Mr A stretched his arms out in front of himself and “whhhooooooo”, he was off flying like Astro Boy while Mr C lifted his arms out by his side like an aeroplane and pretended to be the flying Iron Man. They were having a race. They won’t let me off the hook — they wanted me to be “Bumble-Bee”(from the toy known as transformers, and I was supposed be the girl-bumblebee! LOL!). Well, being the good sport that I am (ahem), of course I obliged to their request.  We had a race. Numerous races in fact, till I *begged* them to take a rest. 🙂

The boys really have boundless of energy that I am so envious of.  I felt old. I really did. My fitness level has definitely dropped over the years due to the lack of exercise. I would love to have loads of energy so that I am able to run with the boys and enjoy the time with them.  Got to build up my stamina, I told myself.  For a start, I am thinking I should go to the field more often with the boys and run after them. 🙂

By the way, Mr A did not asked to be carried, not even once, when we were on the field. 🙂

Summer Days.

Sunday, January 24th, 2010

Summer Days. Warm evenings. Long days. Perfect for evening outings with the family.

Besides the beach, our little family truly love spending the warm summer evenings having picnic dinners by the foreshore or have a walk after dinner follow by ice-cream somewhere and not to forget to mention, at our very own backyard.

Since we returned from our trip, we have not done any gardening or put in much effort to clean up the messy yard. Our backyard is so *over-grown*! By that I mean, we have over-grown lawn (back and front) that is crying out for a good mow, over-grown weeds that need to be dug out (such a pest!) and over-grown branches from especially the huge mulberry tree at the back of the yard.  There’s indeed a work to be done.

And so yesterday from late afternoon onwards, the husband decided to take charge of things. He mowed the lawn, both front and back. Brought he boys to the backyard to trim the over-grown branches of the huge mulberry tree — getting them to carry the branches to one side. Boys being boys, they lose interest after a while. Guess what they end up doing? Here’s a picture of them, have a guess:

 There was a tiny hole in the water hose and they wanted to stop the water from coming out by putting the green open-ended cap and lemons over it!

The boys really know how to entertain themselves when they are at the backyard. They proudly showed me their *ingenious* idea after they have *successfully* stop water from coming out of the hose. 🙂 After that, they ride on their bikes and car and when they had enough of riding, they chased each other silly ….. what fun.

I have my share of chores too. I prepared dinner, cleaned up the outdoor dining set (at the same time keeping an eye at the boys)– getting it ready for our dinner. Before long, the husband announced he has finished cleaning up the yard and the result: viola! we had a neat, tidy and clean backyard. Very inviting indeed to have dine out there!

Athan enjoying his dinner.

We are constantly getting ideas to improve the backyard, to make it appealing to the eyes as well as safe for the kids. I have to admit we are slow to implement any of our ideas mainly due to time and budget. However, the one thing that the husband wants to get soon is an outdoor tent for the boys! He reckoned they will have loads of fun with the tent. Well, I think he is right.

Singapore Trip — Marina Barrage.

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

Another place that I would really love to visit again when we next visit Singapore is Marina Barrage. I was captivated by the vast compounds and the amazing architectural concept of whole place. There is also a “green roof” where one can see the city skyline as well as fly a kite! How good is that? Entrance is free which is another bonus.

The Marina Barrage is Singapore’s 15th reservoir that is built right in the heart of the city.  The main purpose of the reservoir is to boost Singapore’s water supply.  I also read that this reservoir will meet more than 10% of Singapore’s current water demand.   There is also a gallery that explains how the barrage can prevent flooding in the city’s low-lying areas as well as the latest technology used to process the water. More information and photos of the barrage can be found here.

Unfortunately, it was raining a bit when we were at the barrage.  By the time the rain cleared, it was getting dark and hence I was not able to take many photos.  *disappointed* However, we did manage to fly kites with the kids. My sister’s kids (2 of them) and mine each had a kite and I tell you, it was not easy to set the kite flying at first. Robin was not with us that day as he had to meet a friend, and so my very capable sister and brother-in-law had to set every kite flying for us for a start. I had a go at it too.  The feeling was so refreshing!  I love it. Calvin had a go and I think he loved it too.  Athan, well, I think he was more interested in *chasing* after the kite, or rather running around on the huge green roof top.

Calvin trying to fly his kite and amazed at how high it can go!

Athan running around at the green roof top.

We took a little walk around the barrage after the kite flying.  The kids were tired but I think they had a blast. I really hope to visit again with Robin next time, to spend a bit more time at the barrage. That will be nice. Here’s a picture of the kids:

Boys with their cousins, Ren and Ying.

To The Beach Again.

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

We have 3 consecutive days of over 40 deg C over here in Perth. Very very hot, indeed.  A number of houses were without power for a while as the power plant could not cope with the demand.  Thankfully, the problem was fixed promptly.  And thank God, our home was spared. The husband, being the head of the household has told everyone to conserve water while at home. We wash the dishes in a bucket of water and later water the plants with it. Shower time is also shortened.  We do have to try to do our bit to save water. It is also a good time to teach the boys the importance of saving water.

I went back to work today after nearly a month’s worth of holiday.  It was a quiet day as people are still on leave. At least the office is nice and cool. 🙂 When I got home with the boys, the husband has cooked dinner and announced that we are going to the beach! Wow, how exciting!

We had a quick dinner and within minutes, we were off to the beach. As usual, Calvin had heaps of fun in the water and playing with the sand.  Mr A, however was still worried about the waves.  He preferred to play with sand than to be in the water.  The father had to *make* him go into the water.  In the end, he did and had some fun.

We had 1 to 1 time yesterday with the boys, meaning, we had one boy each. 🙂 Robin took Calvin to the beach in the evening while I get to spend some special time with my little boy. Calvin had so much fun! He came home smiling from ear to ear showing me the huge shell that he had found and could not stop telling me how many fish he saw in the sea and how he put his head in the water without feeling scared….. the father had a good time too.  Good bonding time for them.  As for Athan and me, we had a nice dinner together followed by a really nice walk around the neighbourhood.  I was prepared for Mr A to say “I want carry, mummy!” But he did not.  He was walking the whole time and was chatting with me.  He has so many things to ask me. 🙂 He even wanted to knock on someone’s door!! 🙂 He said “hello” to anyone who walked past us and he stop and looked (and try to pat) the dogs that walked past us. 🙂 Nice.

At the end of the day, we are all tired, but very happy.  The boys has been sleeping really well too, after all the exercise.

Beach Day.

Sunday, January 17th, 2010

The mercury tipped at over 40 deg C today!  We are well and truly at the peak of summer over here in Perth. How do we cool ourselves down at the end of the day?  To the beach, of course!

Can you spot the boys?

The beach was packed with families with young children.  We spotted many pregnant women as well, having a dip to cool themselves off the heat.  They must be feeling extra hot in this heat with the belly — reminded me of the time when I was heavily pregnant with Athan during the hot summer months almost 3 years ago.  My body temperature was higher than normal and I too, went to the beach to cool down.  It helped.

The boys had a blast. Athan, was a little wary of the waves initially.  He used to be *fearless* :). I guess he is much more aware of everything now that he is turning 3 and so the fear factor has began to sink into his system.  Robin had to hold him and reassure him many times before he could enjoy  himself.  I remember Calvin went through this phase as well around this age.  This boy, is so much more confident in the water now.  I believe his regular swimming lessons and trips to the beach has helped him outgrow some of his fears. However, we still have to watch him like a hawk at the beach because we have heard many stories about children drowning in the — at times — unpredictable sea.

Athan trying to out-run the incoming waves.

 Calvin playing in the water.

One of the things that Calvin loved most about summer is the beach.  He has endless of fun playing in the water as well as the sand. He loves picking up shells too. This boy has also just completed a week of accelerated summer swimming lessons at the local pool.  He is now able to glide and kick and swim a little distance by himself without support.  This has boosted his confidence a little, I think.

Did I get to sit on the “sandpit” and take pictures?  Of course I did! 🙂

As we made our way home, we could see more people coming to the beach with their picnic dinner baskets. Maybe we should do that next time. Well, tomorrow’s weather has been forecast to be as hot as today….

A Special Bond.

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

The night before her departure to Malaysia, Robin’s mum rang us at home. The boys were fighting to have a turn to talk to her on the phone. Here’s Calvin’s conversation with his grandma:

Calvin: 奶奶,你要走了, 是嗎?(grandma, are you leaving?)

Grandma: 是的。(yes)

Calvin: 為什麼呢?(why?)

Grandma: 我要回去做一些事情。(I need to go back to handle some things)

Calvin: 你會回來嗎?(will you come back?)

Grandma: 會。(yes)

Calvin: 你不要忘記回來 OK? (don’t forget to come back OK?)

Grandma: 我一定會回來。你要乖,知道嗎?(I will surely come back. You have to be a good boy, ok?)

Calvin: 好。奶奶,你會買toy給我嗎?(Ok. Grandma, will you buy toy for me?)

Grandma: 好,你乖我就買。(Ok, I will buy if you are good)

Calvin:  OK,bye 奶奶。(OK, bye grandma)

Robin’s mum repeated the conversation she had with Calvin to me. I could hear the happiness in her voice when she got to the part where Calvin asked her not to forget to return. She must have felt so loved and appreciated by her little grandson. I believe Calvin was speaking from his heart and it was his way of showing his affection to his grandma.  I guess he wanted to make sure his grandma is coming back. Robin’s mum has been there to look after Calvin since when he was a baby. She helped take care of the boy 3 days a week when I was back at work. They do have a special bond. What more? Calvin is her first grand child, and so I think there is a very special bond between them. I hope this bond will last for a very very long time.

All About Athan.

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

It’s the first day back at day care for Athan.  We have been *reminding* him about going back to day care since we came back from our trip. The boy just ignored us or he would show us his big “NO” face.  We knew there would be trouble and protest when the day arrived. And so, we were right.

Early this morning, as we prepared the boys for their day care, packing their bags and reminding them to play nice with the other kids …. Mr A has already started his protest.  He sat on the floor, kicked his legs and kept crying out that he won’t go! His crying was really pitiful and for a moment, I just wanted to keep him at home. However, the husband reminded me to be strong because if I gave in to his demands, he would do it again next week when I go back to work and then I would really be in trouble. I agreed. We kept reassuring him that he would be fine and I would fetch him in a short while.  Nothing worked. We did feel very sorry for the boy for it has been a long while since he last went to his day care. But we also know that we have to go through this challenge. And so he went.

Robin dropped him off.  I was told that Mr A struggled real bad and cried real badly. 🙁 Poor fellow.  Robin even stayed around the neighbourhood for a while to check on the boy before he left.  After a while, he rang the carers and found out that the boy has settled. Thank God.

When I picked him up later in the day, he was fine.  He was happy as usual.  The initial separation anxiety was very strong.  The carers did tell me that Athan took longer to settle and so they suggested us to bring him in earlier next week so that he can settle earlier and get into the routine earlier (He went in late today). I am thankful to the carers for being patient and understanding towards Athan.  Hopefully the boy can settle better next week.

I have also started Athan with his toilet training again — slowly.  Well, I did not plan to, but the other day his nappy was too full and he wet the couch! When he told me he has peed on the couch, I was angry, but I also knew it was not his fault because I should have changed his nappy earlier. Anyhow, at that moment, I decided to give toilet training another go.  I removed his nappy and left him half naked roaming in the house. 🙂 I reminded him to let me know when he need to pee.  He did. It seemed like he knew when he need to pee and was able to tell me when his nappy was off.  And so the training continued today after dinner.  This time, I put on  a pair of underpants for him. Within minutes, the boy peed in his pants! Oh well, we tried again. He was much better.  Let’s see how he progress in the next few days. Have to persevere. 🙂

Athan is still very chatty.  He simply loves to talk and and ask questions. The other day while I was preparing dinner, he just stood aside and watched me and asked me heaps of questions.  I could not remember what we talked about, but Robin told me later he overheard our conversation and found it very cute. And today, on the way home from day care, we saw a puppy in a car next to ours. Athan immediately told me he wanted a dog too! After a few questions, I found out that he wanted a black little puppy. He also wanted the puppy to sit on his lap and lick him! He even said he would share his bed and biscuits with the dog! The whole journey home was about the puppy. How cute. No, we are not buying a puppy at this stage. Maybe when the boys are older.

A new routine awaits Athan in this new year.  For starters, he will be going to a 3-yr-old kindy class once a week when term starts next month.  I have told him all about it and he sounded excited enough.  Not sure if he really knew what I was talking about though …. well, at least he did not say no!  That’s a good start. 🙂

To end this post, I just want to share a photo of Athan and me:

 Athan and me. Photo taken in Singapore near Christmas time.

Picture Post.

Monday, January 11th, 2010

Thought I’d post some more pictures of the Singapore Botanic Gardens for those of us who love the place! 🙂