Archive for February, 2009

Another Athan Update.

Thursday, February 26th, 2009

So Athan started day care this week.  We have signed him up for two days a week.  He did alright, we were told.

 First day was only a half day for him so that he could slowly ease into the full day program. Second day was slightly longer — he was picked up at 3pm.  On both days, he screamed and kicked real hard when I left him.  I felt really really really horrible and guilty.  I have been through such experience with Calvin before when he first started day care, but it did not help me at all when I have to face it the second time.  I probably felt even worse in a sense that I wished my child did not have to go through such *pain*. sigh.


I had to be firm with Athan and I made sure a carer took him and stayed with him before I left.  I always rang later to check on him and I was told on both days that Athan was fine after the crying and screaming. I felt better, but I know that it will take time for him to fully adjust to day care.  Next week might be more challenging in a sense that he could be crying and protesting at the gate of the centre  now that he knows where he is going.  That happened to Calvin …..We’ll see. They tend to go through cycles.

Robin is a lot more positive than me with regards to Athan going to day care.  He seems so relax and confident that the boy will be OK.  Truth be told, the centre that we have chosen is a good one.  The carers have been working there for many years and they are so relax about children crying and protesting etc etc.  That has made me somewhat more relieved. Robin fetched Athan on both days and he said that Athan was playing really well at the centre. I think that’s a good sign.

Athan has been more cranky and clingy these few days at home.  I immediately link it to the day care — that he is afraid that I am going to leave him. However, he also has a runny nose at the moment, and so it could also be the reason for his clingy behaviour.  In any case, I do have to be extra patient with him and have to keep on reassuring him that I’m there for him. It’s not easy.

As for Calvin, he is adjusting really well at kindy.  Thank God. He seems to enjoy going to school and when I asked him what he did at school, he said “play!”. I think that’s exactly what they did.  He has also made a few new friends and I think that has made going to school enjoyable for him as well.  They are learning about family these few weeks and we have been asked to give a copy of our recent family photo to the teacher.  I’ll wait and see what they are up to.

Calvin has been behaving quite well lately although I have to add that he can be very challenging to deal with.  He is a sensitive child and he does not like it when I talk to him in a very firm tone or when I scold him or raise my voice at him — especially when he thinks that he is not in the wrong.  He reacts very strongly to such situations and it can take a long time for him to settle.  He could be crying and screaming and stomping his feet or he could be throwing things.  I do have to watch myself on how I deal with him and the words that I use and of course, my tone.  He reacts better if I can reason with him calmly.  He wants to have a say as well …. *sigh*  And, I have to listen.  That really needs a lot of patience and careful listening because I need to be able to reason with him and point out what is wrong and unacceptable from the things he said to me.  I thought I should pause and  listen to my boy  because if I stop him right there, he might not want to open up to me anymore.   Not easy.  I know…. he is growing up …… real fast.

Some Updates.

Friday, February 20th, 2009

Athan is turning two next month.  Where did the time go?

He is a very delightful little fellow who loves to talk.  He talks non-stop about anything and everything he sees.  He *sings* when we sing to him and he copies all the actions too.  Very funny.  He loves to eat. He eats most food,  especially rice, pasta, noodles and soup.  He likes cheese and yogurt too.  He eats vegetables and loves carrot and broccoli.  He is not a fruit-eater though.  He does eat fruit, but he is very selective.  He only eats apple, pear, orange and banana.  It is very difficult to get him to try new fruit.

He is very easy going.  I can leave him to play by himself while I catch up on some housework.  He is happy to play by himself as long as he knows where I am.  He has taken to playing blocks, thanks to Calvin.  He likes to carry a backpack and pretend to go shopping.  He likes to push his toy bus on the floor and pretend to be the driver.  He knows how to amuse himself when he is on his own without his brother.

He is quick tempered and throws tantrums whenever does not get his way.  He is still very loud.  The good thing is he gets over his tantrums very quickly and easily– most of the time.  He can be rolling on the floor and the next minute he is up and smiling again.  The way to deal with him is to ignore him.  Of course there are times when his tantrums last longer and louder.  I usually give him a time-out in his cot. He screams and screams until I go in and get him.  Before I let him out of his cot, I will tell him to calm down and try to explain what he did wrong in the shortest possible way. I will get him to say “sorry” and not to repeat that behaviour again.  He will nod his head in return as if he has understood me.  This method seems to work so far on him.

He now shares a room with Calvin. The boys are very used to having each other at sleep time now.  They don’t usually go to sleep immediately after we have tucked them in bed and left the room.  They will have a chat and occasionally we can hear some laughter.  There are occasions when it takes up to an hour for them to settle.  We have caught them playing in the room numerous times.  They exchange blankets, make funny faces at each other, put the blanket over their heads and pretend to be monsters etc etc. Boys …. And then. When they hear our footsteps nearing their bedroom door, they quickly get back into their beds and pretend to be sleeping! Calvin could have gotten away with it, but Mr Athan gives everything away.  He will be laughing away and he even smile at us with his most innocent look.  He probably thinks it is a game. We could not stop laughing at them, especially me.

He is starting childcare very soon, as soon as next week.  I have to admit that I am reluctant to put him through childcare.  I wish I can take care of him full-time myself.  Unfortunately, the current situation at our home does not allow that.  Oh well, I’ve got to think positive.  It will be a new routine for this little boy as well as for our family.  I do pray that he can settle well into the centre and new routine.  I will have to deal with the separation anxieties and all the crying that comes with it.  It is going to be very difficult for me.  We’ll see how things go next week. Pray for me.

He still suffers from eczema. It flares up during hot days.  He gets dry and red patches around his elbows, back of his knees, behind his neck, around his ankles and around his wrists.  He doesn’t scratch much at the affected areas, thank God.  We try to moisturize him throughout the day.  It helps.

Not sure if swimming at the pool is another cause of his eczema, but this boy absolutely loves to be in water.  He thinks he is having a great big bath!  Last week was his third lesson of this term, and I have to say he behaved much better. He listened to instructions better and participated better.  Thank God. He has no problems putting his face in water and has no fear when asked to jump into the water.  I am more fearful than him! I am also very grateful to the instructor for being so patient and kind towards us when Athan was cranky during his first 2 lessons.  She is very good at making each lesson fun.  The children loves it.

The above picture shows a tired boy sucking his thumb and resting on his father’s shoulder.   That’s Athan. He likes to rest on Robin’s shoulder like that when he is tired or upset.  He is still quite attached to his father, I would say.  Robin can be very strict with Athan when the boy plays up, but he can be equally silly when he plays with Athan.  One of their favourite activities is going to the beach together, just the 2 of them.  It’s great to see Robin putting in time and effort to spend time with Athan. The boy needs it.

Thank God for blessing us with Athan.

Sunday Boys.

Sunday, February 15th, 2009

These 2 monkeys have been fighting a lot lately.  I can hear one of them screaming or crying after every 1-5 minutes of playing together.  Some times I just leave them to sort themselves out, and they do.  But for most of the time, either the father or myself have to mediate.  Athan has learnt to screamed his lungs out when he does not get his way while Calvin just won’t budge.  *sigh* Oh well, they have to learn.

Today has been a somewhat more peaceful day at home.  The boys did fight, but not as much.  I sat with them during their play time this afternoon.  They behaved well.  I wanted to be there to correct the unacceptable behaviour on the spot and so I decided to put all things aside and spend the time with them.  Perhaps I need to be around them more …..

BushFire Appeal.

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

Over the last weekend, country Victoria suffered its most severe bushfire in Australia’s history.

Up till present, at least 181 lives have been lost, more than 1000 homes have been lost and more than 7000 people are left homeless.  They have nothing.  I forget to mention the magnitude of the loss of animals and wildlife that once called the forest their home.

With high temperature and strong winds, the fire storms swept through many country towns and hectares of native bush lands without warning and with speed.  The firefighters work through day and night trying to contain the fires.  Help from all the over the world has also poured into the country.

I have been following the news quite closely these few days and I must say I am very saddened by the lost of lives, especially the young children.  I have read many stories of survivors and also many sad ones where families with young children did not have enough time to evacuate.  My heart really sank as I read and listened to all these devastating news.  I guess I can never fully appreciate what the victims are going through right now. I can only pray for them and donate to the appeal.

At this time of writing, firefighters in country Victoria are still fighting about 30 fires (about 15 contained).  People and animals there are still at risk.  With high temperature forecast for next week, there is a real worry that the fires will be much harder to contain.

If you can, please pray that God will have mercy on the people in Victoria and that the fire storm will cease soon. Pray also for the safety of the many firefighters who are risking their lives and for the people who are suffering. If you would like to follow the news, you can go to If you would like to make a donation, you can click on the picture above or follow this link

As A Gem.

Monday, February 9th, 2009

So, what do we treat as gems or treasures in our lives? In a recent social gathering, a faithful Christian lady that I know of shared that she treats every prayer request that someone shares with her as a gem or a treasure.  That statement has really made an impression on me because I have never thought of prayer requests that way.  She went on to share that she feels very honoured when someone shares (problems or joy) with her and wants her to pray alongside. She sees it as a priviledge to be able to walk with the person that way.  She sees it as a journey she takes with the person to see how God eventually answers their prayers.  It’s personal, it’s intimate, it’s encouraging and it’s a blessing.

I have to admit that my prayer life has lots of room for improvement and at times I even forget to pray for someone whom I promised I will! I do have a lot to learn about prayers.

Live and learn.

Dinner By The Foreshore.

Saturday, February 7th, 2009

One of the things that we enjoy doing during summer is to have our dinner by our favourite foreshore. Summer is a good time for such outing as the day is longer and  the weather permits it. The boys love it because they love to be outdoors.

So. I prepared and packed our dinner — everybody’s favourite — roast chicken, roast potato wedges, hummus dip and fruits, and off we go.

The boys could not resist running towards the water when we arrived.  They wanted to get into the water and were very disappointed when we told them we did not bring towels and their change of clothes.  Anyway. They were happy to stand by the foreshore with their father and watch the sail boats from a distance.

After dinner, we took a walk along the foreshore.  The boys did not walk, they ran.  They ran after the sea gulls, ran after one another, ran in circles and ran themselves silly.  Robin and I just walked behind them and watched them.  It was a happy sight.

Athan followed his big brother everywhere, copying all the actions as well.  He did not want me to hold his hand or help him to get up and down the steps even when he was hesitant. This boy really has a mind of his own and is getting to be very independent.  It is good, but the thing is sometimes he is over-confident and cause hurt to himself.  We still have to watch him very closely. Calvin, on the other hand is very confident with his big motor skills, always asking me to watch what he could do e.g  jumping off a step.  He is so full of energy and hard to catch up with.  These days,  I just let him roam free range and watch him from a distance.  He does call out for help when he is unsure which is a good thing, I think.

Going home was difficult.  Athan is going through this phase where he has difficulty saying goodbye.  He refused to leave!  Robin and Calvin had to play catching with him to make him *run* towards the car. 🙂 As for me, I was behind the boy all the time, encouraging him to catch up with the rest of the gang. *sigh*

It has been a very pleasant evening for all of us.  I am sure we will have another dinner by the foreshore in the very near future.

Before And After.

Thursday, February 5th, 2009

beforeThis is Athan happily playing next to his dad who was trying to do some work.  Well, my mum-in-law has gone back to Malaysia for Chinese New Year and so caring for Athan during the day while I’m at work becomes Robin’s job.

I think Robin enjoys the time he spends with Athan although he can’t get much work done.  We were going to start Athan on child care but unfortunately the centres that we enrolled him since he was very little still do not have a place for him.  We are trying other options and also continuing to look for other good centres to put him in.  So before that happens, caring for this little man will be shared between Robin and me.

Check out his hair — it’s very long and messy and he has a tendency to scratch his head and so ……


the father gave him a haircut!

My *bald* little boy came running towards me when I stepped into the house today.  He looked so cute!

I was told that the boy screamed very loudly again during the haircut.  The  boy even tried to verbalise his *horrifying* experience to me in his broken chinese.  I could make out what he was trying to say though.  He said to me ” ba ba, di di tou fa de. di kou da shen! ba ba di di pi gu de.” (pa pa cut athan’s hair. athan cried loudly! pa pa smack athan’s bum). *funny*.

The picture shows Mr Athan’s enjoying his favourite yogurt while watching “Pocoyo” with his brother after his haircut ordeal.  He wanted to feed himself without my help and that explained the mess on his face.

Singapore Trip (Part II).

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

We managed to bring the boys to several places of interest while we were in Singapore. My sisters and their children came along too, and that had definitely made the whole trip more interesting.

Sentosa Island was one of the places that we went to visit.  I have not been there for ages.  The whole place has changed and improved so much.  I was really impressed. My sister and her family booked a room at one of the resorts on the island and invited us along to enjoy the many facilites the resort offered.  There was a wonderful play area for the kids with water slide and shallow pool — perfect for our children!  They had an absolute blast playing at the pool area.

They never once complained they were tired or hungry even when nap time was over due and meal time was long over due.  They just played and played …. It was fun to watch them, I have to say.  Calvin played really well with his cousins and so did Athan — although this little fellow was with his dad most of the time.  He did not want to be held — he wanted to walk around the pool all by himself.  When he fell, he picked himself up again — he was not bothered by the water getting into his face at all.

We visited the underwater world while we were at Sentosa.  The kids get to touch some fishes and we saw some amazing collection of underwater creatures.  Guess what?  It was back to the pool after seeing the fishes! 🙂

The Singapore zoo was another very enjoyable place that we went to.  They now have a children’s play area where there’s water play, baby animals and pony ride!

It was difficult to see ALL the animals because of the children (and the heat).  However, we managed to squeeze into a couple of animal shows that were very entertaining.  We even took the mono-rail to get a little tour around the zoo.  The surroundings of zoo was very well maintained and inviting.  It was very well designed, I would say.  They let the orang utans loose in that these animals were not enclosed in cages, rather they were free to swing from tree to tree and walk on ropes over our heads! One could even take pictures with these creatures for a small fee. In fact, a number of animals were not enclosed in cages.  Visitors could actually go up close and personal with them — with the zoo keeper around, of course. I think visitors to Singapore, especially those with young children should visit the zoo.  I am sure they will enjoy it.  We certainly did.

We went to the Jurong Bird Park too.  I remembered my dad used to bring us to the bird park and zoo quite often when we were very young.  The bird park was my favourite.  I have to confess that I did not like the zoo when I was young.  I remembered the zoo to be *smelly* and we had to walk for long distances to see the animals!  Everything has changed now  — the zoo has many shelters and nice walking paths and *ahem* it doesn’t smell! 🙂


The bird park was a nice place to visit.  I still enjoyed it when we visited this time round.  The open aviary was so much more attractive now.  The landscape was beautifully maintained, the species of birds were amazing and, yes, the waterfall was still there!  I remembered I loved the waterfall the best as a kid.

We did not manage to see many species of birds as we hoped to mainly because of the children.  They were tired and sweaty and … well, this is life with young children.  The kids love the penguins.  Not only was the penguin area cool, but the whole penguin community congregating together was very amusing to them! We also went into the dark room where we saw giant owls and many other night species.  Calvin as a little afraid of the sight of the birds as some of them were really fierce looking.  But he acted brave because his cousins were not scared! :)  As for Mr Athan, he was enjoying a snooze in the stroller the whole time.

Robin and I took turns to carry Athan when he refused to sit nicely in his stroller.  Calvin would take the chance to be pushed around whenever he saw the empty stroller!

Athan was quite well behaved during our outings, I would say.  We wished he could sit nicely in his stroller all the time, but he has his own mind.  He is older now and he wanted to join his brother and cousins walking around the park and having fun. I don’t blame him.

Calvin had a good time with his cousins.  It made all the walking around so much more fun for him.  I really believe that if his cousins were not with us, he would have given up on walking long ago!  He would surely want one of us to carry him around.  Here’s Calvin with his cousins:

It is a very different experience when going on such long outings with young children.  We can’t expect them to be angels all the time.  It is when we do not expect too much out of them that we get to enjoy the outing too. In fact, I would say that the presence of the children has made our outings much more enjoyable and fun.

Kindy Starts Today.

Monday, February 2nd, 2009

The new school year starts today.  Calvin has been accepted into our local primary school kindergarten program.  He has been allocated to 2 full days of kindy per week — Monday and Thursday from 9am – 3pm.  However, they are off to a slow start, a staggered start, where they build up the hours the children spend at the school over the next few weeks so as to help them to ease into the full day program.

I have been preparing Calvin for his first day at school, trying to get him excited about his new big school etc etc.  The boy just say “I know!” I ask him if he would cry when I leave him at school and he said “No!”. Robin thinks I am mad to ask such a question!  He reckons Calvin will be alright at school and if I asked such a question, he might end up crying .  Oh well, I just wanted to hear it from the boy himself that he will be alright at school. I know, I’m silly — sometimes. 🙂

This is Robin putting Calvin’s name tag on his shirt.  At this stage, they are not required to wear school uniform, but I might buy a set for him later so that he has a sense of belonging to the school. I’m glad that Robin could come with us today to the school. I think it means a lot to Calvin. I have also signed up for parents voluntary duty at the kindy.  The parent will stay for 3 hours in the class helping out the kids and teachers.  I think it shhould be fun.

The teachers are very friendly and nice.  The whole format of the kindy is very similar to the one Calvin attended last year (3-yr-old kindy), and I reckon that’s why the boy has no problem adjusting (and has no separation anxiety). Anyway, today’s session is a short one, ending at noon.

The children were encouraged to play with some puzzles when they first arrived.  The parents were welcomed to stay to help their child settle.  We stayed for a while and Calvin asked “are you going home, mum?” I asked if he wanted me to go and  he said “yes”.  So we took that as our cue to leave him. Calvin has really grown up.  He is a school boy now.

Athan did not want to leave — he thought he was staying behind to play!  This little boy is so full of mischief and fun.  This morning when we were leaving home for Calvin’s school, he wanted to be like his “gor gor”, carry a backpack, wear shoes, wear hat etc etc.  He just can’t wait to grow up, I think.

By the way, Mr Athan starts his swimming lesson today.

He was very excited to be in the pool and did not want me to hold him!  However, we were in the 1.2m pool and so I had to hold him.  He soon realised he could not stand in the water by himself.  He was also quite restless during the lesson as he did not want to follow instructions.  He just wanted to do his own thing.  I think that’s because he has never had any lesson before and we always let him loose at the waddle pool when we bring him swimming at the public pool.  Oh well, he has to learn, there’s time.  Other than that, I think he did really well.  He’s quite natural in water — kicking hard and reaching for objects.  Oh yeah, the other thing that kept him interested was the rubber duck that the instructor handed out to each of the children.  He held on to the duck for the whole lesson. He refused (again) to leave the pool when the lesson has finished. I had to literally drag him out. *sigh*

Robin picked Calvin up from school and when the boy got home he said proudly to me “ma ma wo mei you ku!”. (mum, I did not cry!). I was very happy to hear that, really.   I hope my little boy will have a great year at school.

Another Birthday Party.

Sunday, February 1st, 2009

The boys were invited to another birthday party yesterday morning.  It was a 1-year-old birthday party of a little girl from our church.  The party was held outdoors at a park.   There was a lot of food and sweets!  The boys were stuffing their faces with lollies again.  It was hard to control them at such occasions, I find.  I just had to let them had their share of lollies and cakes and then they will be happy to listen to me.

Calvin had a lot of fun this time as most of his friends from church were at the party too!  He played well with the other boys. Athan was a little too young to play with the older boys and so he was with me all the time.

I had a nice chat with the other mums at the party.  Some of them were trying to suss out whether I am planning to have a 3rd baby!!!!  They are trying to encourage me to have another one — a girl!  However, no one can guarantee that I’ll have a girl.  I think that we should only plan have another child if we really want to have 3 children, and not because we want to have a girl.  So, the short answer is no, we are not planning to have another baby. I am happy with the 2 boys and I think that’s all that I can handle at the moment, given our family situation. That seemed to appease the curiosity — for now, anyway. 🙂

We left the party shortly after the cake-cutting as it was getting hot and the boys were tired. Guess what?  The boys are invited to another birthday party in a couple of weeks’ time!