Little Helpers.

The other day,  the husband bought some new plants at a local nursery to replace a couple of the old ones at our front garden bed.  I have not done gardening for ages and so I welcome the idea when Robin asked me to help him out while the boys were still in bed having their nap.

There was so much weeds!!! I spent the bulk of my time pulling out weeds and clearing the space to put in the new plants.  Before long, the boys woke up and were excited to know their father was outside putting the new plants in.  They asked to go out and I obliged.

They were so eager to help.  What great little helpers we had.  They, in particular Calvin, helped to pull out the weeds and throw the rubbish into the bin.  Athan …. well, he was a little too small to do the job, but he tried.

At one stage, I found them digging the soil looking for worms, ants etc. They were not a least bit worried if they found a (big) one — unlike me who was “shocked” when the husband put a long worm before my eyes! It was good to see the boys enjoy *gardening* and spending time with us.

When it was time for me to get into the house to prepare dinner, I asked if the boys wanted to go in with me.  The reply I got was “mum, you go in, we stay with papa.” Oh well, even better! I was told later that the boys behaved well and they helped put the finishing touches to the new plants.

They probably deserved ice-cream after dinner — they did. 🙂

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