Dinner By The Foreshore.

One of the things that we enjoy doing during summer is to have our dinner by our favourite foreshore. Summer is a good time for such outing as the day is longer and  the weather permits it. The boys love it because they love to be outdoors.

So. I prepared and packed our dinner — everybody’s favourite — roast chicken, roast potato wedges, hummus dip and fruits, and off we go.

The boys could not resist running towards the water when we arrived.  They wanted to get into the water and were very disappointed when we told them we did not bring towels and their change of clothes.  Anyway. They were happy to stand by the foreshore with their father and watch the sail boats from a distance.

After dinner, we took a walk along the foreshore.  The boys did not walk, they ran.  They ran after the sea gulls, ran after one another, ran in circles and ran themselves silly.  Robin and I just walked behind them and watched them.  It was a happy sight.

Athan followed his big brother everywhere, copying all the actions as well.  He did not want me to hold his hand or help him to get up and down the steps even when he was hesitant. This boy really has a mind of his own and is getting to be very independent.  It is good, but the thing is sometimes he is over-confident and cause hurt to himself.  We still have to watch him very closely. Calvin, on the other hand is very confident with his big motor skills, always asking me to watch what he could do e.g  jumping off a step.  He is so full of energy and hard to catch up with.  These days,  I just let him roam free range and watch him from a distance.  He does call out for help when he is unsure which is a good thing, I think.

Going home was difficult.  Athan is going through this phase where he has difficulty saying goodbye.  He refused to leave!  Robin and Calvin had to play catching with him to make him *run* towards the car. 🙂 As for me, I was behind the boy all the time, encouraging him to catch up with the rest of the gang. *sigh*

It has been a very pleasant evening for all of us.  I am sure we will have another dinner by the foreshore in the very near future.

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