Archive for September, 2009

Little Helpers Part II.

Monday, September 28th, 2009

The husband said I should post a picture of the (almost) finished garden bed at the front of the house to give you all an idea what it looks like now.  SO, here it is:

The 3 daisies at the top of the picture are new.  Calvin *directed* his dad to put which one where ….. 🙂 It was hard to plant the daisies at the spot that we wanted because the tree stump from a previous huge liquid amber was still there.  The green leafy plants near the daisies are agapanthus which Robin put in last year.  They were divided from a batch of agapanthus that Robin picked up by the roadside.  The lavender at the right bottom corner has to be my favourite!  Believe it or not, it is grown from some cuttings taken from my mother-in-law’s garden.  Anyway, we are quite happy with the look of the garden bed now (much neater), although there’s still a little more to it — we are going to put in another plant in the middle (where the pot is in the picture).  We are thinking of transferring a frangipani that is still in a pot to the ground.  I think it will fit nicely there.  By the way, the frangipani is a cutting we took from our first home! Talking about recycling……

Celebrating The Difference.

Friday, September 25th, 2009

We attended a talk/seminar recently at our church entitled “Men and woman: celebrating the difference”.  The pastor was American, and he worked as a counsellor for his home church, specialising in relationship problems amongst couples.

He started by sharing a recent experience he had with his wife.  They were on their way home from a function and the wife began to talk about how beautiful everything was and how she liked the way the dessert was presented — nice cutlery, napkin, decoration etc.  The husband found himself having nothing to say about the beauty of the dessert because all he remembered was eating the dessert! And, he asked the audience “who remembered what napkins were  used and what colour”? We all laughed.  We could identify with that sharing.  The pastor continued by referring us to the book of Genesis in the bible when God created Adam and then Eve.  He explained very clearly that each creation has its own God intended purpose.  The female is in no way inferior to the man because she was also created in the image of God. Male and females are created differently to fulfill different roles. However, after the fall, this gender difference has caused many problems such as communication between husband and wife, divorce etc.

The pastor went on to say that men generally find significance in their work.  There is a strong need for men to work and provide for the family and at times, the men tend to over-work and neglect the family.  They want to be respected too. The women, on the other hand, is relational. She values relationships and looks for security and affirmation of words and love from her husband. By understanding from the bible how God has created men and women differently and how each gender needs to be fulfilled, it helps to prevent a lot of marital problems, especially in communication.

I have also read somewhere about how (married) men and (married) women are different when it comes to their understanding of being loved by the other.  Men generally feel loved by spending quality time with their wives and from physical affection.  Women, on the hand generally requires affirmation of words and by acts of service by their husbands (helping out at home with kids, housework etc.  Leaving these true feelings unspoken can cause many problems in the marriage. How true.

I have to admit it has not been easy for myself and Robin when it comes to communication and understanding of each other in our marriage.  It is through time, arguments, lots of honest talking, perseverance and the grace of God that our marriage can be sustained till now.  There is a lot to learn still, and a long road ahead of us, God willing.  Like parenting, marriage requires a lot of hard work.

In recognising the difference between men and women, we were urged to humble ourselves before our spouse and to embrace the difference between us so that we can truly celebrate the difference as God has intended.

Little Helpers.

Saturday, September 19th, 2009

The other day,  the husband bought some new plants at a local nursery to replace a couple of the old ones at our front garden bed.  I have not done gardening for ages and so I welcome the idea when Robin asked me to help him out while the boys were still in bed having their nap.

There was so much weeds!!! I spent the bulk of my time pulling out weeds and clearing the space to put in the new plants.  Before long, the boys woke up and were excited to know their father was outside putting the new plants in.  They asked to go out and I obliged.

They were so eager to help.  What great little helpers we had.  They, in particular Calvin, helped to pull out the weeds and throw the rubbish into the bin.  Athan …. well, he was a little too small to do the job, but he tried.

At one stage, I found them digging the soil looking for worms, ants etc. They were not a least bit worried if they found a (big) one — unlike me who was “shocked” when the husband put a long worm before my eyes! It was good to see the boys enjoy *gardening* and spending time with us.

When it was time for me to get into the house to prepare dinner, I asked if the boys wanted to go in with me.  The reply I got was “mum, you go in, we stay with papa.” Oh well, even better! I was told later that the boys behaved well and they helped put the finishing touches to the new plants.

They probably deserved ice-cream after dinner — they did. 🙂

My Nights Out.

Monday, September 14th, 2009

Guess what? I had TWO nights out last week!  That was a real treat for me!  No, I did not plan it that way, but things just happened that way.  Thanks to my very capable husband who has made my nights out possible (he was the babysitter).

I caught up with a friend over dinner for one of the evenings.  It was a rather stormy night, but we went ahead as planned.  We had our food, and for most of the time, we chatted and chatted and chatted. About everything.  I really appreciate that sort of time with a girl friend.  As for the other evening, we were invited to a friend’s 40th birthday dinner. As we could not find a babysitter on time, Robin volunteered to babysit the boys while I get to go! How good was that?  The evening was very lovely indeed.  I got to know some new people and managed to catch up with some old friends too.  The birthday girl was gorgeous and I was so glad I could be part of the celebration.  Thank you, my friend!

Anyway, while the *boss* (ahem, that’s me!) was not home, the monkeys were up to mischief! The father brought them out for dinner and then bought home some ice-cream!!  Honestly, the ice-cream part wouldn’t have happened if I were to be with them.  Not that I am against ice-cream, but that we already have ice-cream at home, and I only use ice-cream for special treats when they are very very good.  Well, maybe they have been good …. anyway, I think that’s another reason why the boys love their father. 🙂 The husband even took photos to show me the boys eating ice-cream and how much they enjoyed it.  Here’s one:

Just look at their happy faces,

I was told that Athan *drank* the ice-cream like soup when he was almost finished ….

Yup, he absolutely wants to finish the last drop!  And, by the way, this is how he drinks soup at home. 🙂

Conversation With My 5yo.

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

I was preparing dinner and Calvin was nearby playing with his toy. I started chatting with him asking how his day was and who he played with at day care today.  He told me that he build this huge sand castle (his best!) at the sandpit with a friend.  As he was telling his story, the rained poured …. and my little boy became upset because his castle “is all gone now”! Well, I told him that he could build another one next time he’s at the day care.  Then it was his turn to ask me questions:

Calvin: Mum, how’s your work?

Me: (slightly surprised) Oh, it’s good.

Calvin: Everything good?

Me: Yes.

Calvin: Did you have a happy day?

Me: Yes.

Calvin: Do you have friends at work?

Me: Yes I do.

Calvin: What are their names?

Me: Andrew and Michelle.

Calvin: Do you play with them?

Me: (amused, but tried hard not to laugh) No, we work together.

Calvin: Huh? Work? How?

Cute isn’t it?  That’s my little boy with all his endless questions.  Think I should bring him in to my work place one day to show him what I do and the people I work with.  He will like that, I think. 🙂

After Dinner.

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

What are they doing?  Well, it was after dinner, and they were having fruit ….. at the same time they were watching their father play xbox game! Apparently the husband has bought a new game that involved robots (the boys’ favourite at the moment), and that has really caught the boys’ attention. Here’s the full picture …

Just look at the “serious” looks on their faces.  The boys just enjoyed spending this sort of time with their father.  They don’t necessary get to hold the control as they are too young for that, BUT they certainly know how to direct their father to “shoot at this and shoot at that” as if they were the one playing! Athan even made some sound effects. 🙂 Interesting.