Lego Lego Lego.

December 5th, 2011

Over the last school holidays, I brought the boys to our local museum to join in the fun at  a “Lego” event just for kids.

Many tables were set up inside the museum open area, and on each table, there were hundreds of white lego bricks waiting to be built.  The kids were encouraged to build buildings that were inspired by olden times.  But one can also build anything he/she fancied.

Calvin is a big Lego fan.  He loves to build with the bricks since he was very young.  When he saw the hundreds of pieces of white bricks on the table, he was simply amazed. So was Mr A.

The boys were at a lost at what they wanted to build at first.  Somehow, piece by piece and brick by brick, I began to see some structure taking shape.  Athan was only interested in building his “fighter plane”. :)  Well, that’s what he loves to build with Lego bricks at home.  As for Calvin, this is what he came up with at the end:

Athan’s plane is the one on the left.  I am pretty proud of the boys at what they came up with within the time limit.  Most of all, they had fun.  However, when they saw what others have built, they, especially Calvin, was so disappointed at his own creation.  Here’s a picture of some amazing structures that people have built using the bricks:

What do you think?  I can hardly imagine someone able to build such complicated structures using only the white Lego bricks.  Of course Calvin’s creation cannot be compared with those in the picture above, but I think he has done really well.  Me thinks he has *secretly* decided to play with his Lego more at home in order to improve his skills!

Calvin’s Cake.

December 1st, 2011

This is Calvin’s birthday cake.  Who would imagine “The cat in the hat” can be made into a cake”?  Amazing isn’t it? A very dear friend of ours made this cake for Calvin as a gift to him.  How kind of her!  I really do appreciate my friend’s effort.  She has done such a great job so  much so that every adult/parent present at the party wanted to order their cake from my friend! Besides this cake, my friend also made matching cupcakes for all the kids!  How wonderful is that?  I could only thank God for such a wonderful friend.  As for Calvin, he was amazed at his cake.  He could not say a word when he saw it. :)  By the way, the cake was really yummy although we were really very reluctant to cut it.

Who’s This?

November 28th, 2011

Does he look like a Mr Macho? :)  He is into wearing sleeveless top these days as he thinks he has lots of toned muscles to show. He thinks he is very strong too!  He really makes me laugh.

Letter To Santa From Athan.

November 25th, 2011

“Dear Santa,

Can I please have a real turtle for Christmas?  I want my brother to share the turtle with me.

Love from


That’s what I found in Athan’s school folder — a letter for Santa!  Sweet. This guy really likes turtle.  Its his favourite animal (reptile) :).  Unfortunately, over here in Australia one needs to apply for a license to keep a turtle as a pet at home.  Its not easy to even buy a turtle at a pet shop.  There’s none!  I think one has to do a special order to get one.  This country is very much into protecting wildlife and reptiles and so I can understand the caution they are excersing.

I bought Athan a turtle soft toy last year in Singapore and ever since then he has been sleeping with his “mummy” turtle almost every night.  OK, let me explain the name “mummy turtle”.  I also bought a smaller turtle for him which he has named “baby turtle”. So naturally to Mr A, the bigger turtle toy is the “mummy”! I love the way he thinks. 🙂

Bedtime Prayer.

November 17th, 2011

We take turns to pray at bedtime, and tonight it happened to be Athan’s turn. This is what he prayed:

“Dear God, please help ‘gor gor'(Calvin)and me to be good and not be bad, especially me. Please help ‘gor gor’ to be in Jesus Christ and me to be in Jesus Christ. Please protect us from the evil. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”

Amen, indeed! I am proud of my little guy who is able and willing to say a little prayer all by himself now. I was giggling quietly to myself when he prayed to God to help especially him not to be bad. He seemed to know he gets into trouble more than his brother. 🙂 Keep praying, little man!

A Letter To Santa.

November 16th, 2011

I found a letter that Calvin wrote to Santa in his school folder.  I believe it is a class activity.  This is what he wrote:

“Dear Santa,

Can I please have a DS, a pillow pet and a toy light sabre please for Christmas? I will be really good. How many reindeers do you have? Which one is your favourite? How old is your reindeer?  Is it a boy or a girl?

Love from

Calvin ”

What do I think of it?  I was laughing to myself when I read it.  First, I am glad that Calvin can write something! 🙂 Second, I am amused by the fact that he seemed to be more interested in the reindeers than presents.  There was a time when he was asking me the question whether santa is real or not.  Well, I do not wish to crush his dream, but the answer is no.  I did tell him no.  He was disappointed, but that does not seem to have dampened his spirits!  He still think there is santa and he is going to get presents from santa!

Lunchtime News.

November 9th, 2011

The other day at about lunch time, the husband rang me up at work to tell me something.  (As usual)I thought of the worst possible news.  However, he had something really interesting to tell me.

Apparently, Athan wanted to eat a lolly before his lunch.  The father told him he could only eat half of the lolly and he was to put the other half back into the wrapper (and wrap it up).  I  kid you not, the boy would do anything for lolly — even if it was only half of it! And so, he quickly took a bite of the lolly and put the remainder back into the wrapper.  However, his chubby little fingers could not do the job properly as the lolly kept falling out. He then took a piece of tissue, wrap the whole thing up and even use sticky tape to tape around the tissue in case the lolly fall out again.  After that, Mr A took the wrapped up lolly to the fridge and put it in.  Job done. I believe he was so proud of himself. 🙂

The husband witnessed all the action.  He found it so amusing that he had to ring me up to tell me the story.  Yup, the husband rang me up just to tell me about Athan.  Nice.

Btw, the wrapped up lolly is still sitting in the fridge!

On Homework.

November 8th, 2011

Calvin is a typical 7-year-old boy who will choose playing over doing homework anytime. His everyday school homework is to read a book as well as writing spelling words for the week.  From time to time, I get him to do extra work that is set by me.  He is usually very lazy when it comes to this “extra” homework.  Here’s a typical conversation whenever I ask him to get ready to do some work.

Me: Calvin, we will be doing some work after dinner.

Calvin: But, but, but I have already read my book and written the words.

Me: We are doing Math today.

Calvin: Oh……can I please play with Lego for an hour? (begging) I really really need to build something.

Me: You can have 15 minutes.

Calvin: 15 minutes?  Is that long?

Me: Long enough to build your thing.

Calvin: Its not long enough!

Me: Then start doing Math now. When you finish you can play with your Lego.

Calvin: No.

The conversation usually ends here with Mr C sulking and reluctantly sit at the table waiting for me. Today was somewhat different. When I asked him to do homework after dinner, this is what he said:

Calvin: My homework is playing Lego! Hahaha!

To which I replied “you wish”! Me think he is so over trying to negotiate the working and playing time with me! 🙂

Calvin — On Turning 7.

October 29th, 2011

Me: So Calvin, how do you feel about turning 7 tomorrow?

Calvin: Ah ….. I don’t know…..

Me: Are you happy?

Calvin: Yes.

Me: About what?

Calvin: I have lots of presents! And the party at the park!

Me: What’s your favorite food?

Calvin: Vegetables.

Me: I mean, What is your favourite food? (hoping for a name of a dish)

Calvin: Tomatoes!

Me: What is your favorite dinner dish?

Calvin: Udon noodles in chicken soup — the one cook by you!

Me: *big smile*

Me: What is your favorite sport?

Calvin: Running.

Me: What do u like about it?

Calvin: Because then I can be faster!

Calvin: Mum, why are you asking me so many questions?


Presents are still the best thing on birthdays! He has received heaps of presents yesterday, many of which are Lego box set. He was so obsessed with them that he sat down after the party and fixed all the lego figurines up.

For some reason, Calvin absolutely loves running. He can run
pretty fast too. He always tries his best, be it at running races or cross country running or at physical education or at soccer classes. I like his attitude. I hope he can keep it up.

Reminiscing II.

October 29th, 2011

Calvin at age 4.

Calvin at age 5.

 Calvin at age 6.

I have been looking through the photo archives again just to look at how Calvin has grown over the last few years.  He really has grown up.  Thank God.

Today’s party at our local park went really really well. Thank God. Weather was fantastic and I think everyone had an enjoyable time, especially Calvin, of course.  Btw, Mr A had a ball playing with his friends too! I will post some pictures of the party soon. Stay tuned.