Lunchtime News.

The other day at about lunch time, the husband rang me up at work to tell me something.  (As usual)I thought of the worst possible news.  However, he had something really interesting to tell me.

Apparently, Athan wanted to eat a lolly before his lunch.  The father told him he could only eat half of the lolly and he was to put the other half back into the wrapper (and wrap it up).  I  kid you not, the boy would do anything for lolly — even if it was only half of it! And so, he quickly took a bite of the lolly and put the remainder back into the wrapper.  However, his chubby little fingers could not do the job properly as the lolly kept falling out. He then took a piece of tissue, wrap the whole thing up and even use sticky tape to tape around the tissue in case the lolly fall out again.  After that, Mr A took the wrapped up lolly to the fridge and put it in.  Job done. I believe he was so proud of himself. 🙂

The husband witnessed all the action.  He found it so amusing that he had to ring me up to tell me the story.  Yup, the husband rang me up just to tell me about Athan.  Nice.

Btw, the wrapped up lolly is still sitting in the fridge!

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