Calvin — On Turning 7.

Me: So Calvin, how do you feel about turning 7 tomorrow?

Calvin: Ah ….. I don’t know…..

Me: Are you happy?

Calvin: Yes.

Me: About what?

Calvin: I have lots of presents! And the party at the park!

Me: What’s your favorite food?

Calvin: Vegetables.

Me: I mean, What is your favourite food? (hoping for a name of a dish)

Calvin: Tomatoes!

Me: What is your favorite dinner dish?

Calvin: Udon noodles in chicken soup — the one cook by you!

Me: *big smile*

Me: What is your favorite sport?

Calvin: Running.

Me: What do u like about it?

Calvin: Because then I can be faster!

Calvin: Mum, why are you asking me so many questions?


Presents are still the best thing on birthdays! He has received heaps of presents yesterday, many of which are Lego box set. He was so obsessed with them that he sat down after the party and fixed all the lego figurines up.

For some reason, Calvin absolutely loves running. He can run
pretty fast too. He always tries his best, be it at running races or cross country running or at physical education or at soccer classes. I like his attitude. I hope he can keep it up.

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