Archive for January, 2010

Singapore Trip — Botanic Gardens.

Sunday, January 10th, 2010

One of the places that we really enjoyed during our trip was the Singapore Botanic Gardens.  We almost missed the visit to the gardens due to the rain.  Thankfully, the sky cleared up later in the morning and we took off immediately.  I have to say the trip was a last minute decision as it was on the very day that we were due to fly back to Perth (our flight was in the evening).

I have not been to the botanic gardens for a very long time.  I was so impressed with the tidiness and cleanliness of the whole area.  Workers could be spotted all over the park doing maintenance work.  Their hard work has really paid off.

So very green every where. I love the lush surroundings!

The boys were complaining about the heat and humidity for most part of the walk UNTIL we reached the “Swan Lake”.  The father fed the fish in the lake with pieces of broken biscuits, and the boys wanted to have a go at it too. This has attracted the swans, turtles and more fish to swim towards us.  As the swans made their way nearer to us, the boys got more and more excited.  For an instant, they have forgotten their sweaty heads. 🙂

The boys feeding the swans.

We did not manage to visit all parts of the gardens mainly due to time as well as the boys being tired from the walking. However, our brief visit has given us such good impression that we have decided to visit the botanic garden again when we are in Singapore next.

Calvin kept bugging me to let him take a picture with the camera. I was reluctant but in the end, I let him have a try.  This is what he has captured :

Not bad, eh?  The boy was pretty proud of himself!

It was really good to be able to spend some good quality time with the family — just the 4 of us at the garden before we left Singapore.  It was a very good end to our trip.

Back Home.

Friday, January 8th, 2010

We are back home from our holiday, safe and sound. Thank God.  We had a very enjoyable holiday catching up with family and friends. Thanks to all our friends who have taken time out to meet with us.  We really appreciate it.  Thank God for you all!

I have to say Calvin had the MOST fun! He had a blast with his cousins. He adapted to the different environment very well and he had no problem with sleep and food at all. He loved the local food. As for Mr A, well, this little guy had a little bit of a difficult time.  He was out of his normal routine, especially with his meals and sleep times.  He was grumpy for some parts of the day and would want to be carried all the time.  He refused to play and would wake up a few times during the night.  This has really drained Robin and myself.  We felt challenged yet sorry for the boy.  Patience was what we needed but it was fast wearing thin!  Thank God he was more settled after the first couple of weeks — which was nearly time for us to return home!!

Now that we are home, the boys, especially Athan has gone back to his usual self right away. I am relieved. Here’s a picture of the happy boys:

I will be writing about our trip in parts in this space when time permits.  For now, it is unpacking and cleaning up the house before I start work.