Absent Minded.

There are days when I think my brain is failing me. Last week has been like that. For a stretch of 3 days, I kept dropping things on the floor — my glasses, water, plates etc. It was frustrating. Then, to top it all, I actually gave the WRONG birthday card to a 1-year-old birthday boy yesterday! That was really embarrassing. My friend actually rang up and asked if the gift was wrong too! It was the right gift. I was so so so embarrassed. Thank God she was very kind and did not mind the mix-up a least bit. Truth be told, I wrapped 2 birthday gifts and wrote the cards (Calvin made them) on the same night, and I must have put the cards in the wrong bags. *sigh* I hope I am not the only mum who is *suffering* from absent mindedness.

2 Responses to “Absent Minded.”

  1. Daphne says:

    Can you take pixs of the cards Calvin made? I would love to c them. 😀

  2. joanne says:

    I forgot to take pictures of the cards that Calvin made…. I know I should. Maybe next time. Sorry, Daphne. Thanks for dropping by.