My Night Out.

I was out for dinner this evening with some lovely ladies from church. It was our mothers’ group dinner. We get together for dinner from time to time outside church environment. And, it is usually kids-free, just like tonight.

Not many ladies turned out, but it was a nice group of us. The food was good and so was the company. Our conversation topics ranged from kids to work to hobbies to parenting to friends to kids …. yes we can’t stop talking about our children! 🙂 I have to say, it was good talking with the other mothers at the same stage as me — having young children and working. I am definitely not alone in all my struggles. I really thank God for blessing me with this group of friends.

I am the coordinator of the mother’s group at my church. This has been my ministry since last year. We meet every fortnight for a time of study, sharing and praying. Through time, I have grown to know the ladies well and vice versa. There is a support system going on amongst us. I like that.

Many friends have asked me how I do it — as in, how do I juggle between work, home, kids and coordinating the mother’s group. My answer has always been “God’s grace”. I have to admit that there are times when I feel drained, disappointed and an urge to pass the baton on to someone else. I guess my feelings are not uncommon when it comes to being in ministry amongst people. There is definitely some form of sacrifice. Somehow, when I feel down each time, God teach me a valuable lesson, or He would send a friend to push me on. When I regained strength, I become more sure of myself and the ministry that I am in. And, tonight, seeing all my friends at the table with me having dinner and enjoying themselves, and the friendship that has developed amongst us, I can’t help but have this warmth in my heart and assurance that all my effort has been worth it. 🙂

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