
The other day, Athan and his dad found a dragonfly sitting on the wall at our backyard. Being the curious boy that he is, Mr A asked the father a series of questions about the insect. The father tried his best to answer the boy and they decided to take some pictures to show me and Calvin — how thoughtful!

I must say I am amazed at the intricate design of the dragonfly, in particular the pattern on transparent wings. We really do have an amazing Creator.

I was told later why the father had to take pictures of the dragonfly — because Mr A wanted the father to catch the insect for me and Calvin to see and the only way to talk him out of it was to take pictures of it. Mr A was also told it was not a good idea to catch the dragonfly as it helps to eat the mosquitoes. I did a quick search on the net to be sure and the husband was right! Think I better start brushing up on my knowledge of insects and bugs ….. 🙂

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