Rough Day With Athan.

Yesterday has been one of the roughest day we had with Athan, I would say.  The boy seemed to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed.

He and Calvin stayed over at grandma’s the night before and early morning when I went to pick Calvin for his swimming lesson, I have already heard a few incidents where Mr A had thrown massive tantrums and *bullied* his brother and cousin (both older than him!). When I returned with Calvin after swimming, I witnessed how BAD my little guy was behaving. He wanted to do EVERYTHING that the older kids were doing and when he couldn’t, he screamed his lungs out. Not only that, when he was given what he wanted in the first place, he threw it on the floor.  He even hit his brother. I was quite surprised by his actions as he seldom behaved this way, but I told myself to be firm with him.  It was a tricky situation because he has been sick the whole week and he was still coughing and sniffing yesterday.  I did think I should not be too harsh on him. BUT. I thought that should not be an excuse of bad behaviour. So, appropriate discipline was implemented everytime he did something unacceptable.

When it was nap time, he absolutely refused to go to bed.  He screamed so loud that I could feel my headache coming! His eyes were only half opened and yet he still wanted to protest! I really was at my wits’ end and Robin had to take over.  Mr A was warned and in the end, Robin had to lock the door and let the boy cry himself to sleep. He did. For 2 hours.

He seemed to be happier after a good nap, well, at least he could play better with his brother — without fighting every 1 minute. Then came bed time. He refused to sleep in his own bed and insisted on sleeping on Calvin’s bed! He did not budge after repeated explanation and warning, and so, it was back to locking him in the room and letting him cry it out.  Poor Calvin had to sleep outside for a while ….. Robin went in a few times to see if he was really to listen and *repent*.  After about half and hour, Mr A decided to admit defeat and was happy to sleep in his own bed. And, he asked for Calvin — he wanted to sleep with his “gor gor” (big brother).  *sigh*

I was so tired at the end of the day.   I think Mr A was very tired too.  It was absolutely draining to have to deal with  tantrum after tantrum. Thank God that Robin was home and was helping out.  Robin reminded me Calvin went through similar experience when he was about this age too — so I shouldn’t be surprised.  Good news is, MR A seemed to be a lot calmer this morning.  He is happier too. Thank God.

My little guy is probably going through a phase or he had a bad day yesterday. Whatever it is, I think the important thing is to be there for him and to be consistent in the way we discipline him.  It’s a lot of work!

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