Calvin Talk.

During lunch one day…..

Me: Calvin, what do you want to do when you grow up?

Calvin: I just want to take the car and drive!

Me: Where do you want to go?

Calvin: I want to go shopping and buy toy.

Me: Oh, can you take me?

Calvin: Yup.

Me: What car will you be driving?

Calvin: Your car!

Me: Ok, can you take di di (Athan) as well?

Calvin: Nope. Because there’s no seat for him. I only take ma ma, a boy and a baby.

How interesting. By the way, there are 2 car seats at the back of my car — one for Calvin and the other for Athan. These seats take up all the space and so no can fit at the back except for those with car seats … and you can see where Calvin get the idea from …

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