Calvin Talk.

The conversation happened one day after school when Calvin was having his bath.

Calvin: There are 3 boys and 1 girl in my home.

Me: (washing his hair, and not really paying attention) OK.

Calvin: There’s papa, di di (Athan) and Calvin — 3 boys!

Me: What about the girl?

Calvin: That’s mama!

Me: Right.

Calvin: But we need 2 girls, ma ma!

Me: Huh?

Calvin: We need 2 ma ma! hahaha

Me: Where are you going to find another ma ma?

Calvin: We can buy it in the supermarket!

Me: (trying very hard not to laugh) You really want to have 2 mums?

Calvin: Yes.

Me: You want 2 mums to discipline you?

Calvin: No! No! One ma ma is enough! I like my ma ma!

 How sweet. 🙂

Later I found out that Calvin has been learning about family in school …..

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