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I am pleased to annouce that Calvin has fully recovered from his gastro bug! He has been eating his normal portion at meal times and he has been playing very well. I am so relieved.  Athan is fine too. Thank God.

 The 2 boys were separated at bedtime for the last few days in our attempt to stop the gastro bug from getting to Athan.  Athan kept asking to sleep with his brother.  Now that his “gor gor” is fine, they are allowed to play together and he was so happy.  So, he wanted to nap with Calvin — together in Calvin’s bed!

It all started very nicely with both boys lying down ….. (yup, Calvin still sucks his finger when he goes to sleep!).  I was just waiting outside the room to see how long this could last. Within less than 5 minutes, this is what happened:

They are definitely not ready to share the same bed. It was cute though, to see 2 of them missing each other over the last few days. 🙂

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