As A Gem.

So, what do we treat as gems or treasures in our lives? In a recent social gathering, a faithful Christian lady that I know of shared that she treats every prayer request that someone shares with her as a gem or a treasure.  That statement has really made an impression on me because I have never thought of prayer requests that way.  She went on to share that she feels very honoured when someone shares (problems or joy) with her and wants her to pray alongside. She sees it as a priviledge to be able to walk with the person that way.  She sees it as a journey she takes with the person to see how God eventually answers their prayers.  It’s personal, it’s intimate, it’s encouraging and it’s a blessing.

I have to admit that my prayer life has lots of room for improvement and at times I even forget to pray for someone whom I promised I will! I do have a lot to learn about prayers.

Live and learn.

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