Best Friend.

Me: Athan, do you want to stay home with papa?

Athan: No!

Me: Why not?  You like papa right?

Athan: Ya, but I want to go with you.

Me: But you like doing things like papa.  Is he still your best friend?

Athan: No, he is not my friend!  He is papa!

Me: Why is papa not your best friend now?

Athan: He can’t be my best friend because he is too OLD!

Me: LOL!

Athan: My best friend has to be same small as me.


So cute. Well, what can I say?  The boy thinks his dad is too old to be his friend!  He probably thinks the same of me too. :)  Nevermind. Its interesting how his little mind works at this stage.  His idea of his best friend has to be first — same size as him. 🙂


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