
The scene: The boys were playing, well, more like wrestling while I was preparing their dinner.  I overheard this conversation between them:

Calvin: Athan, what’s 10 + 10?

Athan: 20!

Calvin: Good, and what’s 10 + 11?

Athan: ummm….. I don’t know.

Calvin: It’s just one number after the answer you said just now.

Athan: 11?

Calvin: No, its 21.

Calvin: Ok, now try this: what is 10+12?

Athan: I dunno know.

Calvin: It’s just the number after the one that I just said.

Athan: 13?

Calvin: *getting a little impatient* No, its 22! OK, then what is 8+2?

Athan: 10!

Calvin: Finally!

I was silently smiling to myself throughout the conversation.  I am not sure if Calvin realised that Athan can only add/subtract within 10 at this stage. 🙂 Love the idea that he is trying to teach his little brother!

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