Random Things.

Not too long ago,  Athan told me this:

Athan: Mum, can I please have another brother or sister?

Me: Huh? Why? You already have a big brother.

Athan: No, I want a smaller brother or sister!

Me: Why do you want that?

Athan: Because I don’t want to play with “gor gor” (big brother) all the time. He always want me to play what he wants to play. It’s boring!

Me: LOL!

After thought: And so, Mr A’s wish to have another sibling is so that he can boss he/she around? 🙂


The very first thing I noticed about Calvin this morning was his missing front tooth!  It has finally fallen off! One can’t imagine how happy I was, I kid you not. Calvin was in disbelief until he saw it himself in the mirror as well as another piece of very *important* evidence — he found some money under his bed this morning and he truly believed it was the tooth fairy who put the money there for him! 🙂

Story behind: This wobbly tooth has been there like forever and Mr Calvin has been very stubborn about it being removed.  Unlike some kids who like to loosen their wobbly teeth and extract themselves, Calvin was very afraid of the pain.  He prefers just to let nature takes it course, in other words, he prefers to let the tooth fall out by itself. At one stage, the tooth was so loose that it has come out of its position — part of the tooth was  sitting on the next front tooth! That’s how bad it was. It looked bad too. I was worried that he might accidentally hurt himself with that tooth and so I tried to pull it off , but it was without success except for getting some extremely loud screaming.  So I resort to making Calvin loosen his tooth everyday by shaking it. Sounds quite cruel of me, but I really have no choice.

Anyway, I am so glad I don’t have to deal with the wobbly tooth anymore — at least for now till the next one. By the way, we have not found the fallen tooth.  It’s no where to be found. No, I do not believe the tooth fairy has taken the tooth or have left the money behind. But then, I did not put any money under his bed either. Strange things do happen for a good reason.  🙂


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