Car Conversations.

On our way home from the shops, Athan asked me something:

Athan: Mum, do you remember “picamemu” …..

Me: What’s “picamemu”?

Athan: pi-ca-me-mu!

Me and the husband: *absolutely no idea what that was*

Calvin: He said “despicable me” the movie!

Me: LOL!

So, Mr A was trying to say “Despicable Me” and  somehow it turned out to be or sounded like “pi-ca-me-mu”! Btw, only Calvin can understand his brother — happens all the time. 🙂


Athan: Do you “le-member” ….

Calvin: its not “lemember”, its re-mem-ber!

Athan: Ok, RE-member!

I could only laugh at them!


Athan is usually very chatty in the car and at times I just want to drive quietly ….. so I play this little game with them:

Me: OK, let;s see who can keep quiet for the whole journey home.

Calvin and Athan:* immediate silence.*

However, in less than 2 minutes, Athan let out some sound …. and I said —

Me: Ok, Athan you lose.

Athan: No, not fair, I was not talking!  I only made sound! I want to start again!

Me: OK, let’s start again.

In less than 2 minutes, Mr A spoke again!

Me: Athan, you lose!

Athan: Oops!  I forgot!  Can we start again?

Me: LOL!

No prize for guessing who is the winner. 🙂

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