
One of the things I love about being a parent is talking to my kids, or rather, should I say, I love the things the boys say to me at times.  Here are some recent conversations:

Calvin: Mum, eating fish makes me smart right?

Me: Yup.

Calvin: Then, is fish smart? It must be smart right?

Before I could make sense of what he was talking about he said the following ….

Calvin: What about eggs? Does eating eggs makes me smart?

Me: Yes.

Calvin:  Are chickens smart too?

Me: (looked at him really hard trying to make sense of it all….)

Calvin: Well, the eggs are from the chickens, if they make me smart, then the chickens must be smart, right mum?

Me : LOL!

I just burst out laughing! I am so amused by the way his little mind works. Yes, of course I am one of those parents who tell their kids eating fish and eggs make them smart.  Now I am beginning to question whether all the fish and eggs has made him smart … 🙂

Here’s just something Mr A said the other way on the way to Kings Park:

Athan: Are we going to Kings Park?

Me: Yes.

Athan: I like Kings Park in-fi-ni-ty!

He likes to use the word “infinity” when he likes something a lot.  Me think he has learned the word from “buzz light year”. However he seems to use it a little wrongly all the time. That’s why I love talking to my little fellow. 🙂


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