Life Moments II.

We were doing some homework when Calvin said this:

Calvin: I wish papa is at home. I prefer him to be home.

Me: Why?

Calvin: Because if he is home, I can play wrestle with him. It is fun.

Me: What about being with me?

Calvin: You are bor ….

Me: (I knew what he was going to say) Say it!

Calvin: Bor …..

Me: Just say it.

Calvin: You are boring! You always everyday ask me do homework!

Calvin: (Quickly added) But I still like you!

Athan: Yeah mama, you are boring!

Me: Well, its for your own good! 🙂

In our household, I am the *homework tyrant*, unfortunately. Well, someone has to do that job, right?  I am sure Calvin will appreciate my efforts when he grows up! 🙂

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