
This is a little snapshot of what I get to see from my kitchen window. Lavender.

The husband has a special liking for lavender and has put in a whole row of lavender plants at the garden bed. Lavenders are quite hardy and require little attention. However, they tend to get woody and require a good pruning from time to time. And, this is the time. Well, truth is, I am enjoying all the beautiful plants in our garden, but there’s a whole heap of nasty weeds that need to be removed, lots of pruning to be done and lots of tidying up to be done too. It’s going to take a bit of time before we can begin to enjoy our yard. Btw, I am the *weeding lady* in this household. 🙂 I just need to find the time to do it. I’d probably get the boys to help me. Actually, Calvin is pretty good at removing weeds while Mr A still needs to be trained. 🙂

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