My Easter Weekend.

Usually, our little family takes a trip somewhere during the Easter long weekend (Friday – Monday). However, this year has been a little different. For starters, the husband was away in Canberra for a few days by himself. And then one of the boys, the older one had gastro. Yikes! Of all types of illnesses they boys have had, I have to say gastro is my worst “enemy”. It is very contagious and dirty!

Calvin was complaining about a tummy ache throughout Good Friday. He seemed well enough though. We even had his friend and family over for a meal and play date. It turned out to be a really lovely evening. And then on Saturday, he began to have diarrhea. Many times. I was so worried that Mr A would catch the bug and he did! *sigh* I practically spent the day cleaning bottoms, soiled pants and disinfecting toilets … *sorry about the details* :). Thank God that there was no vomiting or fever or any other symptom or else it would be very difficult for me to handle the boys on my own. God is good. He knows.

The boys were not too sick. They could still play and manage little meals. I was ever so grateful. By Sunday, they were a lot better although not 100% and so we stayed home for another day. And then the husband came home! The boys were very happy to see their dad and could not stop asking where he went and what he did ….. 🙂

While packing the boys’ room over the weekend, I found this:

Calvin must have made it during one of his Sunday school lessons at church. I was immediately reminded of Jesus death and His resurrection — the true meaning of Easter. I love how the boy has coloured the cross — it is so colourful. This little piece of art work is now sitting on our fridge so that we can be reminded of Christ’s death for us daily. I have also made Calvin memorised the bible verse. I hope he can remember it always.

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