My Day with Athan.

Monday is my day with Athan.  Usually, we will drop Calvin at school in the morning and then we are off to the gym class.  After that, we can decide what to do together — grocery shopping, to the park, library — lots of options.  I love the time with with my little boy.  He usually has his best behaviour on. :)  However, today has been a little different as I had to stay home to finish off my presentation for the next 2 days.  And so, the husband brought the boy to the gym.

When they came home, Athan was still so full of energy.  He came running to me to show me the little certificate he got from the gym class.  He has finished a term of gym class! And then he looked eagerly at me with anticipation. I knew he was expecting me to bring him somewhere fun.  I felt really bad to disappoint him, but I had to gently tell him that I had to work today and that I needed him to play by himself for a while.  Surprisingly, he agreed.  He really did.  He entertained himself with my pens and paper after he got tired with his toys. He even took the pens apart and tried to put the pieces back together. What fun. I had to help him in the end, but it was fun watching him trying to solve a problem.

Then when Robin was having his  lunch and watching some lunchtime T.V, the boy sat himself on the couch waiting for the show to start! However, it was also nearly time for his nap.  He knew it, but he kept ignoring me. I had to physically remove him from the couch as he would not move.  He even tried to negotiate with me.  This was what he said: “我要陪爸爸 5 minutes 才睡, 可以嗎?” (I want to accompany papa for 5 minutes before going to bed, ok?). I was a little speechless as I did not expect such negotiation technique from my 3-year-old. Accompany his dad? As if the father needed company … 🙂 Well, I relented. After about 5 minutes, Mr A really did go down for his nap — for 2 hours.

This evening after dinner, while Calvin was practising his handwriting — writing numbers and his name, Mr A had this to say (while I was feeding him his dinner) to his brother: “good writing, Calvin!”, “good job, Calvin!”and “no! you write wrongly!” He even had the eraser in his hand ready to rub off what he thought was written wrongly. *sigh* He was imitating me. He did sound very much like me though. :)  Mr C was not impressed at all.  He had this annoyed look on his face that seemed to say “do you actually know what I have written wrongly, little brother?” I just sat there enjoying the moment and laughing to myself.

Such is a day with Mr A.  Always full of interesting conversations and surprises. Thank God.

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