Wednesday Morning Drama.

It was early morning. I was in the bathroom when I thought I heard Calvin talking to his brother in their room (their room is right next to the bathroom). It sounded like Calvin was instructing Athan to do something. Then I heard “then you put your leg over like this …”!  And, I was alarmed!

Mr C was giving Mr A instructions to climb down from his cot! Before I could rush to their room, I heard a big loud thud on the floor followed by screaming. I was too late. Mr A has fallen from his cot while trying to climb down. Thank God he did not hurt his head or had any serious injury except for his left leg that had hit a toy truck which was on the floor. No damage done. I was relieved and very thankful.

After much *interrogation* by the husband, Mr C admitted to instructing Mr A to climb down from his cot. He obviously did not realise the danger.  All he wanted was for his brother to come down from his bed and play with him. He was very very sorry, we could see that on his face. He even promised he won’t do it again.

After thought: I guess it is time to move Athan to a mattress on the floor like Calvin. This will prevent future problems. Yes, we still keep Athan in his cot (mean parents :)).

After the drama, it was back to our busy morning routine. As for our Mr A, he was back to his usual happy self. 🙂

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