
The other evening, we brought the boys to a nearby football field for some exercise.  Before we unbuckled him from his car seat, we reminded (more like warned) Mr A about the “no carry” policy when at the field — for some reason, this boy has a tendency of wanting to be carried. He gave us a big nod.It was all good.

We stood in a circle in the middle of the field, the four of us, with the intention of kicking the ball to each other.  Athan, being the Mr A that he is, defied all the rules, running after the ball every time it was being kicked to someone and hand-passing it to each one of us in turn.  I felt tired for him, but he was happy to be running. No kidding. Calvin and the father ended up playing a game whereby they had to run and kick the ball from goal post to goal post.  That was exhausting, well, at least to me. But the boy wanted more! I stopped. And when they got tired of kicking ball, the father wanted to get on with his kicking and punching (part of his martial arts training) exercises. I took over the boys.

All they wanted to do was to run — again! One of them wanted to be “Astro Boy” while  the other wanted to be “Iron Man” that could fly like an aeroplane — guess who wanted to be what?

Mr A stretched his arms out in front of himself and “whhhooooooo”, he was off flying like Astro Boy while Mr C lifted his arms out by his side like an aeroplane and pretended to be the flying Iron Man. They were having a race. They won’t let me off the hook — they wanted me to be “Bumble-Bee”(from the toy known as transformers, and I was supposed be the girl-bumblebee! LOL!). Well, being the good sport that I am (ahem), of course I obliged to their request.  We had a race. Numerous races in fact, till I *begged* them to take a rest. 🙂

The boys really have boundless of energy that I am so envious of.  I felt old. I really did. My fitness level has definitely dropped over the years due to the lack of exercise. I would love to have loads of energy so that I am able to run with the boys and enjoy the time with them.  Got to build up my stamina, I told myself.  For a start, I am thinking I should go to the field more often with the boys and run after them. 🙂

By the way, Mr A did not asked to be carried, not even once, when we were on the field. 🙂

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