Summer Days.

Summer Days. Warm evenings. Long days. Perfect for evening outings with the family.

Besides the beach, our little family truly love spending the warm summer evenings having picnic dinners by the foreshore or have a walk after dinner follow by ice-cream somewhere and not to forget to mention, at our very own backyard.

Since we returned from our trip, we have not done any gardening or put in much effort to clean up the messy yard. Our backyard is so *over-grown*! By that I mean, we have over-grown lawn (back and front) that is crying out for a good mow, over-grown weeds that need to be dug out (such a pest!) and over-grown branches from especially the huge mulberry tree at the back of the yard.  There’s indeed a work to be done.

And so yesterday from late afternoon onwards, the husband decided to take charge of things. He mowed the lawn, both front and back. Brought he boys to the backyard to trim the over-grown branches of the huge mulberry tree — getting them to carry the branches to one side. Boys being boys, they lose interest after a while. Guess what they end up doing? Here’s a picture of them, have a guess:

 There was a tiny hole in the water hose and they wanted to stop the water from coming out by putting the green open-ended cap and lemons over it!

The boys really know how to entertain themselves when they are at the backyard. They proudly showed me their *ingenious* idea after they have *successfully* stop water from coming out of the hose. 🙂 After that, they ride on their bikes and car and when they had enough of riding, they chased each other silly ….. what fun.

I have my share of chores too. I prepared dinner, cleaned up the outdoor dining set (at the same time keeping an eye at the boys)– getting it ready for our dinner. Before long, the husband announced he has finished cleaning up the yard and the result: viola! we had a neat, tidy and clean backyard. Very inviting indeed to have dine out there!

Athan enjoying his dinner.

We are constantly getting ideas to improve the backyard, to make it appealing to the eyes as well as safe for the kids. I have to admit we are slow to implement any of our ideas mainly due to time and budget. However, the one thing that the husband wants to get soon is an outdoor tent for the boys! He reckoned they will have loads of fun with the tent. Well, I think he is right.

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