Star Of The Week.

Beautiful cupcakes.

The day before Calvin’s birthday happened to be one of his kindy days and so the boy gets to celebrate his birthday with his classmates and teachers too! A friend from church helped to baked the beautiful cupcakes — blue ones for boys and pink for girls (special instruction from Mr C). It was a special day.

Not only did Calvin celebrated his birthday at school, he was also “star of the week”! Well, this is something that the teachers implemented in class to encourage the children to put on their best behaviour — helpful to their friends, polite to everyone etc. There is a “star” each week.  And, Calvin’s turn happened to fall on the same day as his birthday celebrations.

Parents were invited to a little ceremony about 15 minutes before class ended. Robin and I could not miss it for anything! When we arrived, Calvin was completely surprised to see us! He did not expect us to be there.  Anyway, the little ceremony started with a song with Calvin as the leader doing different actions for the rest to follow.

After the song, Mrs D asked Calvin to stand in front of the class and presented him a certificate and a star that he could pin on his shirt. That has really made the boy very very happy and special. Mrs D also mentioned to the class that Calvin had very good manners in class, in particular he never forget to say “thank you”. We were so very proud of our boy! 🙂

Here’s our little “star”! Calvin seemed slightly shy in front of his classmates, but I am sure he felt special.

Next, the children took turns to look at the board at the back of the classroom where the teachers have pinned up certificates and photos that I had brought in earlier in the week.  There was a swimming certificate, a dance class certificate and some family photos taken during our trips.  The children took turns to asked questions and Calvin had to answer them. How interesting.

Calvin was so chatty on our way home from school.  He told us who ate the cupcakes, who he played with that day, what he did and what Mrs D taught him etc.  It was so nice just hearing him and seeing him happy.

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