Powerful Part II.

At our dinner table today, I asked Calvin “How did God make everything”? To which I received a blank look and a soft “I don’t know ….”. Gee… the boy seemed to have forgotten our conversation in the car just 2 days ago! Either that or he is too pre-occupied with his dinner.  I reminded him the word “powerful” and Robin gently prompted him to express what he thought the word meant.  This is what he said to us:

“Um, if the monster break our house into pieces, God can fix it! Powerful is very very strong, ma ma.”

Robin and I exchanged a smile.

So, to our 4.5 year old, he has a God who is strong enough to fix our house if it is broken — by a monster. I think that’s the concept he has of strength at this stage.  By the way, I should share that in Calvin’s imaginary world, there are monsters and dinosaurs which are very big, very strong and very scary. Perhaps his articulation of “powerful” is a demonstration that he knows God is stronger than those “monsters”.  I certainly hope so.

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