Walk With The Boys.

Now that spring has sprung and the weather is warmer, I have been taking the boys out for walks in the late afternoon. It is a good thing to get out of the house at this time of the day because everyone is cranky, including me.:)

Both Calvin and Athan enjoy the walks. Calvin is very chatty throughout the whole walk. He talks about everything he sees, especially the cars that pass by. He would stop, point to the car, shout out its colour and watch it zoom past us before he could continue with the walk. If a truck or 4 wheel-drive or any big vehicle came by, he goes “look mama, big wheels!” (in English). He also likes to stop and pick up honky nuts and dried up branches along the way — he says those are for the birds. 🙂 He also likes to play little games with me during our walk. He would get me to chase after him or he would call out “stop” and “go” — yup, I am supposed to follow instructions. I don’t mind playing along with him as long as it is safe to do so, and what more? It makes the walk more interesting.

As for little Athan, he loves to go out. He loves to look at his surroundings and he flaps and kicks his little legs in excitement whenever he sees his big brother laughing and running.

And me. I enjoy my time with the boys. I don’t have to deal with the crankiness and I get to exercise. How good is that? By the time we reach home, it is usually time for dinner and then bedtime routine for the boys starts. It just makes things easier for me.

What we need to do is to get Robin to come with us one day. He is usually stuck at home and working away infront of his machines. I think the walk will do him good.

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