
The boys were invited to a 4-year-old birthday party this morning.   The party was at a foreshsore quite near to our home.  The boys were very excited when I announced we were going to a birthday party!  I only annouce what we will be doing at the last minute  because if I let the cat out of the bag too early, our Mr Calvin will keep on harrassing me and asking me thousands of questions for the whole day! I have learnt my lesson.

When we arrived, it was almost time to cut the cake.  Both boys love eating cake and so they were quite happy to join in the singing and cheering.  They were each given a piece of cake and that has made them really happy.  The cake even had chocloate fingers on it and that has made them even happier! 🙂

They had a play time at the playground after the cake.  Unfortunately, Calvin did not have much chance to play with his friend, the birthday boy as this boy was pre-occupied with his other friends.  Somehow, Calvin could not fit into the group – or rather the other boys could not accept him into the group.  He was a little upset, but was quickly settled when he realised playing with his little brother was not that bad after all. 🙂

The highlight of the birthday was of course the lolly bag.  The boys were each given a bag that was filled with lollies.  Their eyes almost popped out of their heads when they saw so much lollies and they wanted to eat them all!  I had to control them which wasn’t easy.

When we got home, Robin asked Calvin if he enjoyed the birthday party.  The boy answered “yeah, I liked the chocolate”!

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