
The new year has brought about quite a number of changes in our home. For starters, we have decided to put the boys in the same room.  Yup, you heard me right, the boys are now sleeping in the same room!

It was Robin’s idea.  I’m more like — “err… are you sure Athan is ready?  He talks too much! ” But Robin has always been optimistic about the brothers sharing the same room.  We actually let the boys slept in the same room while in Singapore and it turned our OK after a few nights, so the father thought we should continue and let them get used to the idea. So now, Athan’s cot is in Calvin’s room.  Mr Athan is still in his cot to prevent him from running around during sleep time and wake up  time.  Right now, Calvin’s room is quite cluttered with the cot and books and toys and his mattress all over the place ….. I get stressed out just by looking at it!  However, my very encouraging husband always look at things on the bright side and told me that everything will look good when we have re-arranged the furniture and toys properly. Just be patient, he told me.

Talking about re-arranging the furniture, we really are moving things around in the house.  Athan’s room is now free and the plan is to make it into a study/guest room. The baby furniture in the room will be given away and junk cleared. We are also making the front room (used to be Robin’s work area) into the boys’ play area.  We will have to get new storage system to store their toys.  Looks like a trip to IKEA is imminent. But first, I need to sort out the toys.  They have so much.  We are so blessed, really.

So, as you can imagine, our house is in a mess right now.  We still have quite a lot to do before the house is back in shape again.  I’ll try to take some pictures and post them here so that you get an idea of the outcome of the re-arrangements. I wish I have all these changes done like yesterday!!  But I know these things take time and I need to have patient.

I am back to work today.  It has been quite a slow moving day as many of my work mates are still on holidays and so is my boss.  I felt pretty slack, I have to admit.  It was good though, at least I could clear all my paper work for the new year and tidy up my office. I am looking forward to new challenges and learning new things.

The boys are slowly getting used to me going back to work.  Calvin has been protesting slightly to go to his day care since we returned from our trip. We thought it could be due to the long break or that he has outgrown day care (?). We are not sure why as he himself could not give an explicit reason.  Thankfully his protest was not strong.  He usually gives in after a short pep talk. He will soon start kindy at our local school in early February and Athan will also start going to day care at around the same time.   So many changes!  I get a little over-whelmed just by thinking about it.  I’m worried that the boys can’t adjust etc etc, but I do know that I have to let them go and be there for them when they need me.  Not easy being a parent!

Changes can be good.  We need changes from time to time.  Let’s hope everything will fall into place in due time.

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