Time With The Boys.

Calvin is still on school holidays this week and so he is home today, and I get to spend time with him.

Early in the morning, we had breakfast at our backyard and the boys could not wait to get into the sandpit, especially Athan!  I was reluctant to let him get in the pit so early in the morning as I didn’t want to clean him up just yet.  Well, in the end I gave in.

Both boys rushed to get into the sandpit and were pouring sand on themselves!  I was horrified, but they were so happy!  Robin said “let them play!”  At least then we could eat in peace.  After the sandpit, the boys wanted to kick ball and I had to play with them.  We ran around the yard and we ended up running after each other.  Athan loved it and could not stop laughing.  Calvin ran himself silly.  We were, or rather I was so tired afterwards.  Then Calvin took a container and began to pick mulberries.  Athan followed.  They were full of energy and went on from one activity to another without stopping.  The mulberry tree is full of ripe mulberries at the moment and Calvin really had a good time picking and eating the berries.  Then, the boys went to look for bugs and insects and ran after butterflies.  I just wanted to sit down and have a break! 🙂

After about an hour at the yard, we went into the house and guess what?  Someone suggested going out for a walk!  I was hoping that they would sit down and play with blocks. No chance.  So we went for a walk around the neighbourhood.  These days Athan prefers to walk than sitting in his stroller.  He likes to walk and stop to look at the flowers and insects crawling on the ground.  He is just so curious at the moment.  Calvin, is also curious but he is also interested in the cars that pass by.  He likes to point out the car to me and tell me to be careful and tell me the colour and ask me  where it is going …… so as you can see, our walk is a very leisure one.  We had a good long walk and by the time we get home, the boys were sweaty and began to show sign of getting tired. Finally.  Both boys had a really good nap after lunch and a bath.

When they woke up from their nap, Calvin asked to go to the library.   So we went.  I read 5 books with Calvin while Athan entertained himself with the toys and the books.  Calvin and I have an agreement — that if he wants to go to the library, he has to read books first before playing with the toys.  In fact, he was the one who said he would read 5 books with me.

We arrived home about the same time as Robin. The boys were so happy to see their father and both wanted to be carried at the same time.  The father always obliged.  We had dinner and spent a bit of time together before the boys went to bed.  It has been a tiring day for me, but I enjoyed it.  We did not do much, really, but for me, being able to spend a day like this with my boys is a real blessing.  I thank God for that.

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