Weekend Highlights.

We went for a walk at a park after dinner yesterday.  Robin’s aunt and cousin were with us too. Aunty loves little children and she is particularly drawn to Athan.  She kept trying to hold Athan while Athan kept running away from her!  Athan just stuck to his dad and no one else — not even me. Well, I had Calvin by my side at all times.  Anyway, we were at the lookout area, it was rather dark and Robin quickly passed Athan to his aunt and hid himself from the boy.  Of course the boy screamed and cried for his dad.  Aunty then put him on the ground and let him roamed.  The boy went looking for his dad in darkness and he came across this asian man with his partner who were enjoying the night skyline of the city at the lookout area. He then went up to the man and pulled at his jeans and cried “pa pa ! pa pa!”.  He raised  his arms up to the man indicating he wanted to be carried.  Aunty quickly went over to tell Athan the man was not his dad, but the boy did not believe her and refused to leave.  Everyone was laughing except, of course, Athan.  In the end, Robin appeared before Athan and the crying fit stopped immediately.  Sigh.  Looks like the  “daddy’s boy” phase is going to be a very long one.

In other news, I lost my voice.  I was coughing a bit over the weekend and this morning when I woke up, I could not speak at all!  I had to whisper and it was so frustrating.  Calvin found me weird and asked why I made funny sounds and he whispered back to me.  He thought it was funny.  As for Athan, he said “huh?” to me after every sentence I whispered to him. :)  Robin has been patient with me although there were many occasions he did not understand me.

I still went to church this morning and when I told the other mums I lost my voice, they all asked “did you scream too much at your kids or nag too much at your husband”?  Gee, they called themselves my friends …. 🙂 Oh well, I know they were joking.  Truth be told, because I could not scream or yell at the kids, it has *forced* me to deal with tantrums and bad behaviour in another way — without screaming. It was hard but it was possible.  I hope my voice will return soon.

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