
I was listening to the radio on my way home from work today — again. Today’s topic was about communication in marriage. Communication is very important in all marriages, said the host. It is not something that happens overnight, rather it is something that is learnt through time. Husbands and wives ought to communicate EVERYDAY. Not only do we talk, but we also must learn to listen and not interrupt. We have to learn to listen patiently to our spouse until we fully understand his/her feelings. Communicating with one another also means that there are times when we need to compromise our stance or at times we might even need to give in totally in order to solve a problem. We ought to do so lovingly. It is difficult, but it is important that the communication is kept open between the couple at all times.

Many marriages fail because of the lack of or failure in communicating with one another. The host’s advice is to keep talking and listening to each other on a daily basis. I agree with that. It is very easy to slip into our own mode or to do our own things at the end of a tiring day. If this happens on the long run, we not only lose touch or connection with our spouse, we also cannot find happiness and fulfillment in our marriage. So, no matter how tired it is at the end of the day, we still have to have time for our spouse to talk about our day or anything under the sun!

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