Of Athan.

This little man is growing up a little every day. He is now walking more steadily on his own and he wants to be down on the ground all the time. He has found his new independence! This independence is also accompanied by lots of tantrums and head-shaking — his way of saying “no” to me. He has a mind of his own and he knows and can express himself very clearly of what he wants and does not want. When he is in a tantrum fit, he screams his lungs out and at times, we find him rolling on the floor too! Spectacular scene, I have to say. At this point in time, I just ignore him. His tantrum usually lasts for about a minute and then he will be on his feet again, looking for me. Sigh.

He is usually a happy little boy, smiling most of the time. He plays by himself, alongside his “ge ge” (big brother) quite well. Of course, there are times when they fight for the same toy and I have to interfere. I suppose the only way to help them learn is to let them play with each other more! He is learning a lot from his “ge ge”. The way he plays with the toy cars and aeroplane is exactly the same as Calvin. He doesn’t play with the toys that are suitable for his age, instead he plays with whatever his brother is playing. He still has a soft spot for stuff toys. He likes to cuddle them and kiss them. So cute. He has several teddy bears in his cot to keep him company when he goes to bed.

He is eating really well these days, thank God. He likes rice and noodles in particular. He eats most of the food which I feed him, including vegetables and fruits. These days, I find him drinking a lot more water by himself too. That’s a good improvement as we have been trying to get him to drink more water for quite a while. I think Calvin has also been a good influence for Athan as he drinks a lot of water and Athan likes to copy him.

He is talking a lot these days too. He can verbalise the last syllabus of the word that we say to him. He is chatty in the car — he can babble non-stop all the way from his grandma’s house to our home. It is a good 15 minutes drive. If Calvin is in the car as well, these two will get into a very noisy and interesting conversation.

He is sleeping well too, thank God. He is now down to one nap in the afternoon after lunch. The nap usually lasts for 1.5 – 2hrs. Bedtime is about 7.30pm and on a good day, we won’t hear him till the next day around 7.30am. This boy can entertain himself for a while in his cot after he wakes up. We often hear him playing with his teddy bears when he wakes up from his sleep. It’s quite cute, I have to say.

He loves his baths. He loves playing with the water and the little container that I use to pour water over him. He refuses to come out of the water even when the bath is over. Whenever I say to him it is time to get up, he shakes his head profusely in protest. I always have trouble getting him out of the tub. He screams his lungs out — all the way till I have finish dressing him. Dressing him is such a challenge. I hope he will get out of this phase soon.

I find myself reading a lot less with Athan as compared to Calvin. Time is always a factor, but I have to try.

By the way, Athan has recovered from the HFM disease. He is good as new now. Calvin is also recovering very well from his swollen lip. His teeth are fine. 🙂

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