Calvin And His Elmo.

My sister gave Calvin a stuff toy Elmo when he was about 18 months old. The boy loved Elmo then (he still does now), and for a while he took Elmo with him everywhere he went and then it stopped. Then, it started again.

For the past months, or rather the whole of this year, Calvin has grown attached to his Elmo again. He was never a fan of stuff toys when he was younger, unlike Athan. But this little Elmo somehow has a special place in his heart. It is not like he has to take Elmo with him everywhere, or that he would cry or feel insecure if he doesn’t have it. It is more like Elmo has become his companion. He takes Elmo with him when he goes to bed and these days, he must have Elmo with him before he is willing to sleep. He made sure I pack Elmo in his bag when we go on trips too — the trip down south and trip to Singapore. Interesting.

In other news:

This morning, when I was rushing to get Calvin’s breakfast ready, he came up to me and asked ” ma ma are you stress?” I looked at him and did not know how to answer him. Honestly, I was. I was rushing for time as we were running later. I said to him “you better hurry up, we don’t want to be late!” He took his milo drink from me and walked away saying “oh…I am so stress!”. He has learnt the “stress” word from me. Sigh. It is true when they say children feed on our emotions. Calvin certainly does get affected by my emotions. He is very sensitive to me and he is like my little radar! He doesn’t like it when I am angry (whether at him or not) or upset. He would come close and ask me what’s wrong! 🙂

This late afternoon when I picked him up from day care, I saw his “fat” lip immediately and I knew something was wrong. He became teary the moment he saw me. His carer came and told me what happened. Calvin was running with his favourite green truck and somehow fell and hit his upper lip! Ouch. There was blood and swelling on his upper lip. They did not think it was too serious.

My boy was so upset when we got home. He refused to let me take a look at his mouth. He refused to do anything I asked him. I was worried, but after a while, he calmed himself down and he managed to eat his dinner and drink water. I was relieved. He seemed happier after his meal. I even brought him to see a GP just in case. Well, he had laceration around his front two teeth, a cut in his inner upper lip and a swollen lip. Nothing to worry about. However, I was told to monitor his teeth for the next few days to see if they become loose or if they dis-colour. I hope not. I hope Calvin will be OK soon.

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