Make Time.

I was listening to “Focus on the family” again on my way home from work. Today’s topic was on making time for our children. The host went on to say that many parents have the tendency to say “wait”, or “later” or “not now” when their kids want their attention. This is especially so when the parents are doing something at the time. The problem with delaying the response, especially with older children is that we, as parents can miss out an important opportunity to communicate with them. If we keep delaying our response, then our children may never want to come to us when they have problems or if they want to share their happiness with us. And so, the advice given to parents was that we should put in an effort to make our children feel that they are important to us and that they can come to us whenever they need. In doing so, we have to learn to put down whatever we might be doing, and listen to our children.

I find that a good reminder as I am very fast to say “wait” or “not now” to Calvin or Athan when they call for my attention. I have a lot to learn.

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