Fever No More.

Thank God that Athan’s fever is now gone. Phew. That’s a huge relief. He is much more happier today although we can see rash oh his face, neck and body. We are not sure if the rash is due to the needles or the viral infection (which the doctor has told me rash after fever is highly possible). In any case, as long as it does not cause him any discomfort, it is OK with me. Anyway, the rash looked mild. I decided to skip church and stay home today with Athan to let him rest since he has just barely recovered from the viral infection.

Afternoon nap for the boys today was kind of non-existent. Calvin fell asleep in the car for 10 minutes on the way home from church and that was it for him. He would not lie down and rest anymore. Athan, on the other hand, had a great morning nap and a 45-minute catnap in the afternoon. That was not enough for him. So, both boys were very tired by late afternoon and they were demanding and cranky. My solution? Go to the park! And guess what? When the car hit the road for less than 5 minutes, both boys fell asleep!

I did not like the idea of them sleeping in the car at 4.30pm in the afternoon because it will affect their bedtime. So I stopped the car and parked somewhere in the hope of waking them, but it did not work. Then I drove home, and they were still sleeping when I arrived! I told Robin about it he just laughed and said I should take a picture. He was not the least bit worried about their bedtime being affected. His theory has always been — if they need to sleep, let them! Well, I quickly took a picture and get him to help take Athan out of the car while I take Calvin. Finally, they woke up. 🙂

They were actually happier after the nap. They had dinner, a bath and a short play time and then off to bed about 30 minutes later then usual. No protest. Nice.

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