Some updates.

It was about a year ago that I started my maternity leave. And now, a year later, I am going back to work. Next Monday. This day has come quicker than I thought! Honestly, I am not too looking forward to going back to work although I know I will enjoy the work that I am doing in time to come.

Perhaps I have been at home for a long time now and it is hard to imagine going back to work. The thought of not seeing the boys and not knowing what they are doing during the day is something I struggle with. It is hard. All of us have to get into a new routine and this, will take time. I will have to learn to focus on my work while at work and manage the boys when I am home. I will be busy. Robin has promised help, so that’s a comfort to me. Athan will be cared by my mother-in-law when I am at work (Monday – Wednesday) and Calvin will continue with his day care and kindy. Please do pray that the transition will be smooth for us. Pray for me too, that God will grant me strength and patience to face each day.

Being able to leave Athan with my mother-in-law is a relief to me because I know she will take great care of him. I do not wish to send Athan to day care just yet because he is still too young, in my opinion. I have not been writing about Athan for a while and so here’s some updates.

Athan is now 11 months. He is turning one next month! I can’t believe it. Seriously. He has been an absolute joy for Robin, myself and Calvin.

He is now able to pull himself up with the support of furnitures that his hands can reach. He is *talking* a lot more and he loves to play. He smiles and dances (bob up and down on his bottom and wave hand at the same time) when his he hears music or song, especially his favourite nursery song “Wheels on the bus”. It is so funny to watch him.

Athan loves to eat. He eats almost anything that I feed him. These days, he has a tendency to spit out food (especially if he felt some chunks — e.g a piece of carrot) and put it in his hands. He wants to see what’s he is eating and when he is satisfied, he will stuff the food back into his mouth. As a result, I have a lot to clean up after his meal. He also prefers to hold the food (e.g cracker, pieces of fruit) offered to him and feed himself rather than for me to feed him.

Athan is small in size as compared to Calvin at this age. He has short legs. 🙂 I often worry — like I always do — that he is not growing normally. But I have been assured that he is fine. I should just let him grow up naturally.

Here’s another dose of Athan for you.

By the way, this little boy still screams (not cry) very very loudly when he is upset. *sigh* We are so used to it now. And we still love him to bits! 🙂

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