The Chart.

Not too long ago, I decided to re-introduce the reward chart system to the boys.  Main reason being that I wanted to try to be a positive parent — well, it is my new year resolution!  I have also decided not to yell/shout at them too much when I am angry/frustrated at them.  I am hoping that I can use the chart as a way to encourage good behaviour.  When they have collected 10 stars , they can each get a small prize.  This system can work well for young children if implemented correctly.  I hope this chart will encourage good behaviour and in time to come the good behaviour can become good habits.  So, what good behviour am I looking for?  Being able to go through morning routine (brush teeth, change to uniform, have breakfast etc) by themselves without me having to nag, putting in effort to speak mandarin at home, no tantrum at swimming pool when it is time to go home, pack up all toys after play are just some examples.  They have earned a little prize each so far.  Once they see how their good behaviour can earn them a prize, they are motivated to be obedient, especially Athan.  This boy still tend to throw massive tantrum at swimming pool. By the way, Mr A decided to start a new chart after completing the previous one.  This is what our chart looks like now:

He wrote the names all by himself and when he could not draw a star, he decided to draw a sun instead! Cute. By the way, he decided to give himself and his brother a “sun” as he reckoned that they have behaved very well. 🙂 What a good helper I have!

What other “clever” thing has Mr A been up to?  Well, he has found himself a corner in the house which he calls the “naughty corner”.  No, it is not for those who misbehaves.  It is for him to sit and enjoy his favourite cheese and cracker after school!

Mr A brings much joy to our family each day.  On the other hand he brings many frustrating moments too.  As his parents, we love him as he is, and teach/discipline when we have to.  We hope he will always be cheerful. All by God’s grace.

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