Life Little Moments.

The other morning while the boys were having breakfast, I asked Calvin what he would like to bring to school for lunch.  I gave him the choice of the fried rice I made or the food that his grandpa has made.  This is what he said:

Calvin: I will bring your fried rice, mum.

Calvin: Mum, you are awesome!

Athan: Yeah mum, you are awesome!

Calvin: Mum, you are the most pretty girl!

Athan: Yeah mum, you are a pretty girl! And, papa is a beautiful girl too! hahahaha!

Both the boys broke up with laughter.

WOW! I was so surprised by their comments.  Apparently, in their little minds, I am awesome and good looking. 🙂 I felt so good! I know they probably won’t feel the same way about me in several years time.  And so, I better enjoy such little moments with the boys. They are precious.


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