Two Unwell And Grumpy Boys.

For the past few days, I have been dealing with 2 unwell, cranky and grumpy boys. The photo says it all.

Calvin fell sick first. His symptoms included runny nose, cough and a low grade fever. His nose was blocked and he had difficulty falling asleep at night. On top of that, he was coughing quite a bit, and was waking up 3 times a night crying for my attention. Poor boy (and poor me).

Then it was Athan’s turn to fall sick. His nose was very runny and he had a slight fever on Monday. This boy (*sigh*) has been having difficulty falling asleep. Either it is because of his blocked nose or that he is experiencing separation anxiety which I have read peaked at 9 months. Whatever the reason is, this baby of mine has been screaming his lungs out whenever we put him down to bed, be it at nap time or night bedtime. Quite honestly, I get stressed out just by listening to his crying, especially when he was sleeping so well before. Robin has been great, I must say. I really appreciate him taking over Athan when he is crying so badly.

Today has been a better day in general. Calvin is still sniffing and coughing a bit, but he slept through the night before and was back to his usual self. As for Athan, he still has a runny nose but I can see that he is getting better as well. He did cry a little at nap time, but the length has definitely shortened. I hope the crying episodes will disappear when he recovers.

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