Weekend Snapshot.

We were at the park. It was a sunny morning with only a gentle breeze. The park had a huge pirate-theme playground which the boys loved. The boys ran around the play area, went through the tunnels, went down the slide and chased each other. This time round, I did not have to follow Mr A. Well, I used to have to follow Athan everywhere he went when we visited this park when he was younger simply because he was not confident enough to do all the climbing etc by himself then. Now that he is older and more confident with his large motor skills, he did not want me to follow him anymore. Nice. I sat under a tree and watched the boys. After they had enough of the play area, the boys went on their scooters and *zoom* around the park with me following behind them. I did not mind that as I get to take a walk around the park. It was a nice morning.

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