
We were on our way home from day care when Mr Athan spotted a police car. This is what he said upon spotting the car:

Athan: Mum, the police is going to catch Ty. He is going to jail.

Me: What? Who’s Ty?

Athan: Ty is from my day care.

Me: Why would the police catch him?

Athan: Because he’s bad. He disturbed me.

Me: How?

Athan:He took my car away! He’s naughty.

Me: LOL!

Athan:Why you laugh, mum?

Well, truth be told, we have told the boys that policemen’s job is to catch bad people and put them to jail. Little did we know that or rather realise that, in their little world, “bad people” include those who have been naughty or mean to them. Interesting.

Continuing on our way home, Athan was talking non-stop. At one point, he said this:

Athan: Mum, can you buy that computer game at S’s home, the same one for me?

Me: Why do you want it?

Athan: Because I want it.

Me: Do you know how much it is?

Athan: um um um ….. one dollar?

Me: Oh, really? *trying not to laugh* Do you have the money?

Athan: No.

Me: Then how are you going to buy it?

Athan: The man will give me the money.

Me: What man? Why would the man give you the money?

Me: Because I don’t have money!

See how he is talking about “the man” will give him money again? The only thing that I can remotely link to is that Mr A must have seen us paying money at the counter and some guy return us the change. He must have thought that “the man” gives money to us. Interesting how his little brain works and interprets things that he sees.

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