Boys Talk.

The other day I had this very interesting conversation with Athan, all in English.

Athan: Mum, I am sick.

Me: Oh, really? Are you really sick? (didn’t really believe him)

Athan: Ya (nodding his head), I am sick.

Me:  Where? Is it your tummy?

Athan: I don’t know.

Me: Ok, then we have to go see the doctor.

Athan: NO! He will poke me here (pointing to his forearm). I don’t want to go!

Me: But you are sick, right?

Athan: No, I am not sick any more. I just pretend to be sick! (cheeky smile)

Me: …….. not sure how to react at that moment (so the boy has picked up the word “pretend”).

Calvin has a good friend at his day care who is allergic to tomatoes, tomato paste etc. This friend told Mr C that if he ate or touch tomato, his body will have lots of red rash. Upon finding out what “allergic” means, the boy came home and said this to me:

Calvin: Mum, I am allergic to yucky things.

Me: (puzzled) Why?

Calvin: Because if I touch or play with yucky things, I will be yucky all over!

Me: LOL!

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